Kankri X Reader

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You hate this. You hate this. Being blind sucks. Every things black. You miss colors. You can still remember them but it's not the same. Today is not a good day. You wander the mostly empty school halls down what's supposed to be the memorized path to your class. Dave walks with you to help you get to your classes without incident everyday as you have a tendency to get turned around but he's is out today. He's a good friend and your cousin. Also you lost your cane earlier so clumsy you has run in to more than a few things today. You move quickly then crash. You tried to stop but still ran into someone at their locker. You hadn't heard them in time. Thankfully neither of you fell though you did wobble.

"I'm so sorry!"
You say and you hear the person make a small hum before replying.
"Ap9l9gy accepted I supp9se as it seems t9 have 6een an accident."
You thought that would get to move on with your bad day until he continued.
"If y9u can give me a g99d explanati9n f9r this triggering happening."
You sigh.
"Ok, see I was trying to get to class but my friend's not here today so it's hard and I took a turn. I didn't know you were here or that I was so close to the wall I promise."
"Excuse me if I seem rude 6ut h9w did you n9t see me? I'm in a 6right red sweater that I've been t9ld is hard t9 miss."
"Oh right. My glasses aren't just a fashion statement. I'm blind. But don't worry about not realizing it. I get that a lot from people I don't know."
There was a pause.

"My sincerest ap9l9gies. I'm s9rry if I triggered y9u 6y making assumpti9ns."
"Oh, don't worry about it."
"Since we haven't had pr9per greetings yet my name is Kankri Vantas. I'm pleased t9 meet y9u."
"I'm (first name) Strider. It's nice to meet you too."
Another pause.
"Hey Kankri,"

"I'd hate to be an inconvenience or anything but could you please maybe direct me to 215A History? I don't have my cane and my cousin's not here today to make sure I find my classes. I think I'm lost."
There was a locker closing noise and the rustle of a backpack being picked up.
"Ah, my father's hist9ry class. I supp9se I can help y9u 9ut. It's 9n my way after all."
"Really? You don't mind? Thank you."
"Very well then. Y9u d9 n9t mind me h9lding y9ur arm t9 lead y9u d9 y9u?"
"It's fine."

Even though you'd OK'd it Kankri still was hesitant. He didn't much care for contact but he must lead you somehow. He gently took your wrist and started walking. The bell hadn't rung yet but there were few people left in the halls to judge what was happening. Kankri wasn't the most popular kid in the school. He'd get teased for just about anything. You travel down the halls making some turns. Luckily you didn't need to use the stairs. Once there Kankri stopped in front of the door.

"Are we there?"
"Yes. Have a pleasant day."
"Right back at you."
Kankri left and you go into class just as the bell rings.
"Ok class, please go to your seat. We will be starting at chapter 14 section 2."

You sit down in your normal seat. You brought out your brail history textbook and recording device and held in a sigh. After the bell you take your stuff and wait a few minutes for the halls to clear out. You don't think you could brave the masses without Dave to walk you to your classes like he always does. He says people form a bubble around you to keep from running into you but it still makes you nervous. You aren't good in crowds. You've never been good in crowds.

"I saw you came here with Kankri today."
You look towards your teacher's voice.
"Yeah. I got lost and ran into him so I asked him for some help. Why?"
"Oh no reason. I just like snooping into my sons' business. Are you going to talk to him again?"
"Well, if I run into him again I'll say hi."
"That's nice of you. Now go on, the hall is pretty clear. I wouldn't want you late for class."
"Oh, right, thanks."

You hear that the hallways are emptying and step out. One step, two step, you're in the clear, sort of. You make it to your next class without too much trouble. The next class change wasn't that bad either. At class you sat down between Sollux and where Dave normally sits. Karkat came in late and sat in Dave's seat just because the seat was open. You got your recording device out to take recorded notes with. It was a boring class period but at least it was the last class. When it was over you were relieved. While packing up your recording device fell and hit Karkat.

You turn toward his voice
"I'm sorry!"

Karkat rolls his eyes and makes an annoyed noise and leaves. You get the feeling he doesn't like you. You pick up the device and leave to wander through the crowd feeling lost and confused. This is why you wait for the crowds to clear. You situation looked grim until someone grabbed your arm and pulled you away to the side away from the crowds.

"My ap9l9gies if I was triggering 6ut y9u seemed to really 6e needing help. I c9uldn't just leave y9u there."
"Kankri! Thank you! I was about to panic. I should have waited. I'm not good in crowds."
You couldn't see but Kankri gave you a weird look.
"Since I have n9thing t9 d9 f9r a while d9 y9u need help getting anywhere."
"Yes, I need to get to the big tree out front. That's where I'm being picked up."
"Very well."

He took your wrist again and carefully guided you, ignoring the looks people shot at him. They don't like him so they judge him. You aren't judging him. Not yet at least. He finds it a weird but welcome happenstance. Then you got to the stairs. You're normally good at stairs but don't think so this time. Kankri was unsure for you too.

"Let's use the elevator."

You used the elevator then Kankri leads you to the big tree. You and Dave always wait here at the end of the school day for Dirk.
"I d9n't mean t9 6e triggering 6ut are y9u g9ing to 6e here all al9ne?"
"Yeah, normally my cousin Dave is with me but today I'm on my own until my ride gets here."
"Y9u sh9uldn't wait all al9ne."
"You can wait with me if you want I guess."
"I sup9se I did 9ffer."
Kankri stool next to you. It was very quiet at first.
"I don't want to sound rude Kankri but what do you look like?"
Kankri blinked. Oh right, you were blind.
"9h yes, very well. I'm a tr9ll s9 have grey skin. My h9rns are small and nubby My hair is sh9rt, black and neat 6ut still sticks 9ut rand9mly. My eyes are red while the part where y9urs are white is yell9w. I wear a 6ig red sweater, 6lack pants and red sneakers. 9h, and I'm a69ut 5'7."
"Ok, I can picture that. Thanks. I didn't use to be blind so I like getting descriptions."
"Y9u're a nice girl."
"Um yeah."
"Are y9u trying t9 6e my friend?"
"You make that seem like a crime."

Kankri made a humming noise.
"It's n9t a crime, as y9u put it, 6ut pe9ple d9n't like me."
"I don't think you're that bad."
"Thank y9u. If we are g9ing t9 talk m9re in-depth please tell me y9ur triggers s9 I may av9id them."
Kankri mentally face palmed. He was afraid this might discourage you like it does to most people.
"Oh, um, trigger warning being blind, going blind, fire, car crashes and anything really scary. I'll tell you if I think of something else."

Kankri didn't say anything at first. People usually realize what they've gotten into and get fed up with him by the time he starts talking about triggers let alone tag theirs when he asks.
"Are you ok Kankri?"
"Yes, yes, I'm fine. Back t9 the c9nversati9n-"
Kankri's phone went off.
"Excuse me a m9ment."
Kankri checked his phone.
"I'm afraid we'll have t9 finish this c9nversati9n later. I must meet up with my br9ther Karkat n9w. He's rather impatient."
"Sure thing. I look forward to our upcoming conversation then."
Kankri left. A few minutes later Dirk came out.

"Hey (name), can you tell me why this cane, your cane, was found in alone today?"
"Oh, uh, I dropped it and couldn't find it again."
"I got this from Terezi. You have to be more careful (name)."
"I know. I know."
"No use dwelling on it now. Let's go home."

You follow Dirk to his car and get in. Dirk drives you both home. The next day Dave was back so he helped you around. No getting lost today. At lunch you met up with Terezi and you talk and Terezi, having been blind much longer than you, gives you pointers about being blind. At one point he set you in a spot and told you to stay there he forgot something. So you stand there until...

"Excuse me (name) 6ut y9u're in fr9nt 9f my l9cker."
"Oh I'm sorry Kankri, I didn't realize I was standing in your way. Here you go."
You take a big side step. You hear a dial turn and a locker open.
"What are y9u d9ing 9ut here anyway? Did y9u get l9st again?
"Nah, Dave forgot something and told me to stay here while he goes and grabs it."
"9h I see."
The locker closed and Dave came back. He walked up to you and Kankri. The two guys' eyes met and there was static. Dave was protective of you and Kankri wanted to try and make a friend.

"I think we should get to class."
You say defusing the situation.
"Yeah, we should."
You smile.
"See you Kankri."
"See y9u."

After that encounter you tried to talk to Kankri a lot despite that it was an unpopular choice. You and Kankri were getting to be friends. Karkat on the other hand disliked you more than ever. You can't get close to one of the Vantas brothers without ending up on the bad side of the other. You were getting a little tired of Dave always pulling you away from Kankri. You don't know what his deal is. Maybe it's that he's really close to Karkat not Kankri. You've memorized the path to Kankri's locker. You hung out there while Kankri was changing his books.

"So where are you going to lunch? If you don't mind me asking."
"Just... Just the same place I always g9. I assume y9u are g9ing with y9ur chauffeur."
"You mean Dave?"
Kankri then realized that joke might have sounded rude and was going to apologize but you smile and beat him to the response by letting out a laugh.
"I guess he is like a chauffeur isn't he. That's funny."
Kankri was a little speechless.

"Hehe, I would be spending it with Dave and my friends but Dave's in a math lab and I need a break from the crowds."
There was a pause and the sound of Kankri's locker closing was heard.
"If y9u want y9u can eat with me."
"Thank you!"

You walk with him or more he leads you by the wrist as he normally does. He's gotten used to this contact. And is ok with it. You follow him all the way out the building under a tree where you both sit.

"So you sit outside?"
"Yes. N9 9ne wants t9 sit with me and it's quiet s9 I can practice my essays I mean writing."
"What do you write?"
"I write a69ut imp9rtant things 6ut n9 9ne wants t9 listen. They call me the insuffera6le."
You take an apple out of you lunch box.
"I'll listen."
"Are y9u sure?"
You take a bite and nod.

There was some rustling as Kankri got out the papers. He chose a shorter one because of the time limit.
"If you're sure."
You smile and he goes off starting with trigger warnings. You listen and listen and listen. You loved it. If you can sit through and enjoy three straight hours of Dave's mad rapping skills you can sit through and enjoy this. Since your eyes stopped working your hearing has been the most important thing to you. You loved listening to people and things.

"And that c9ncludes this essay."
You clap and grin.
"That was wonderful!"
"Y9u liked it?"
"Of course! Since my eye sight went out my hearing has been my best sense. You're music to my ears."
Kankri blushed a little. He has never once been told that ever. It felt good to be appreciated and be listened to for a change. The bell rang and Kankri helped you up.

"W9uld y9u like t9 6e lead t9 y9ur next class?"
"That would be lovely."
Kankri took you to your class, both of you still chatting. You couldn't see the people watching you for obvious reasons but Kankri could feel their eyes on you and him. He decided not to subject you to being aware of other students' disapproval. After all, ignorance is bliss. You sit down in class in your normal seat next to Dave. You're early today.

"That's where you've been all lunch huh."
"What? Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I'm confined to the lunch table you know."
"I was just saying, I got out of my Math lab early and no one knew where you went."
"Again, just because I'm blind doesn't mean I'm confined to the lunch table."
"So you were just chilling with your new friend all lunch."
Dave was just teasing you now.
"Shut up Dave."
"I bet you'd want everyone to shut up after sitting through so much talking."
"Hey! I like listening to Kankri talk."
"Why the fuck would you like that?!"
Karkat commented from a few seats away.
"Well it's more interesting than listening to you that's for sure."

Karkat got mad but couldn't do anything because his dad was watching. He gave you a look expressing much hate before finding his seat. You actually didn't see Kankri until the next day. Same place, right next to his locker before lunch.

"Did y9ur c9usin f9rget s9mething again?"
"No, I told him to go on. I wanted to talk to you some more."
"Yes really."
"Karkat did have s9me str9ng things t9 say yesterday. Did y9u trigger him?"
"I may have made a snide remark but he's never liked me."
Kankri shook his head. What was Karkat's problem? He closed his locker.
"W9uld y9u like t9 c9ntinue talking 9ver lunch?"
"I'd love too."

From there things escalated. You loved talking with him and listening to him so you took every opportunity to talk to him. It started with Kankri walking with you to some of your classes instead of Dave. You alternated days between him and your friends during lunch. You actually favored him sometimes but made sure your other friends got enough attention too. Well you were trying at least. Then you began to hang out after school or sometimes on the weekends. Kankri had never met anyone so perfect. You loved listening to him, found his topics interesting, and could hold an in-depth conversation. You even tagged your triggers like him and respected he didn't like being touched. You were his best friend. Life had gotten brighter for him since you stumbled in to it. What more could he want? Maybe one thing. You had similar feelings. Kankri was fascinating you don't know why people don't like him. His voice was smooth and was wonderful to listen to. At least for you that is. Like you've said, he's music to your ears.

"And that c9ncludes that essay. What d9 y9u think?"
"It could use some fleshing out on the supporting details and that thing with all those metaphors, on page three I think, was unnecessary. Other than that it was well thought out, detailed, and informative. I enjoyed it."
Kankri smiled. Your love of literature helps you make critiques. By now you can sense Kankri's mood. You could tell he was happy and also looking at you for some reason. Indeed he was watching you. Caught in a little fantasy.
"Are you ok Kankri?"
He shook his head clear. Stop that. You are not his (even if he wishes you were). Not to mention has a vow to keep too. So this, you, are off limits.
"Yes I'm fine."
"If you say so. Please tell me if something's wrong though, ok? I hate to see you upset."
"9f c9urse."
You smile and Kankri blushes a little. Damn it. Bad Kankri. Stop this. The bell rings. Lunch is over.
"W9uld y9u like me t9 esc9rt y9u t9 y9ur class?"
"If you don't mind that would be lovely."

Kankri helped you up and took your hand, having graduated from your normally clothed wrist, to lead you to class. You didn't mind of course. You liked Kankri a little more than you probably should. He'd never go for you. You hid it so he won't get uncomfortable.

"Here y9u g9. I'll see y9u later."
You let go of each other's hand. You go in class and Kankri leaves. A few seconds later Dave comes in and sit's next to you. He gives you this look, like he knows something knowing full well you can't see him.
"I know."
"You know what?"
"We'll talk after class."
And after class you did.

"I know your secret."
Dave teased.
"What secret?"
"Don't play dumb. I know about your crush on Kankri."
"I, uh... don't know what you're talking about Dave?"
"Ha! I knew it!"
"Shut up. It won't work out so just shut up."
"Oh, well, I guess you can't see to see what he's like around you for obvious reasons."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I'm no expert but I think he likes you too."

You shake your head. And go to your next class. You wish but that's kind of far-fetched. Your first crush since going blind and it was going strong but inevitably hopeless. You couldn't just tell Kankri and get it over with so you can move on. Your one of his closest friends. Actually, you are his closest friend. He depends on you and you know he can be sensitive. You care too much to potentially ruin this for him. Also, didn't he like Latula? Dave would continue to insist on spilling. Meanwhile Kankri was in class having a headache inducing bout with himself. You were his closest friend and he knew he meant so much to you. He didn't want to ruin that! He hadn't even fully accepted that he's fallen for you. He didn't even like Latula as much as he liked you. He had a vow to keep. He's never had the slightest issue with keeping it before. When he made it he never thought he'd have an issue either. He was sure having one now though. Does having a vow mean he can't date? Kankri thought he'd thought this through. The talkative troll put his head on his desk. Look at the mess he was in.

"Kanny are yo+u alright?"
Porim had standing by his desk for a few minutes now, observing. The bell had rung. Kankri sat up, quickly regaining his composure. He hadn't realized she was there.
"I am quite fine P9rrim, thank y9u."
"Yo+u were thinking abo+ut her weren't yo+u?"
"I d9 n9t kn9w t9 what y9ur referring."
"Yes yo+u do+ Kanny. I'm talking about (name)."
Kankri heated up.
"P9rrim please, I've asked y9u n9t t9 call me that."
"Tell me if yo+u need to+ talk abo+ut this so+me mo+re. I can help."
Porrim left and Kankri sat there a moment. He didn't want to talk about it but he was beginning to realize he might need to.

~Time Skip~

It'd been several weeks now and it was getting harder to keep your crush a secret from Kankri. He had been talking to Porrim a lot recently. You were a little jealous. You needed to tell him and get the rejection over with. Hopefully Kankri will be willing and comfortable with you being friends after the fiasco goes down. This was hard but you love the boy. As for his talking you like listening to him, you love his voice and you think what he says is important. You love it when he's happy and feel sad when he's sad. You love his laugh, his quirks and the feeling you get when he holds your hand. He goes out of his way to spend time with you and is very important to you. He's your best friend. This was going to be hard.

~Kankri POV~

Meanwhile you, Kankri, had been talking to Porrim a lot recently, finally thankful of her intrusions for once. She was helping you work out all you're mixed up feelings. The only bad thing was she still mothered you horribly. Still, far out weighing that, she was a great help to you about (name). You loved her. She made you laugh, she made you feel good. You was never sad when she was around. You listened to you and conversed with you, not once telling you to be quiet or that you were being annoying. (Name) always stayed. Not to mention she respected your wishes by tagging your triggers, steering clear of yours and giving him the personal space you requested (though the required personal space had shrunk considerably when it came to her. She could even hug you on occasion now, if she asked first that is). You couldn't hide it, (name) were perfect.

"So+ have yo+u had eno+ugh yet Kanny?"
"Yes P9rrim and th9ugh y9u've been very helpful I believe I can d9 what I need t9 9n my 9wn."
"If yo+u need my help-"
"F9rgive me f9r my interrupti9n but I am perfectly capable 9f handling this 9n my 9wn. I'm n9t your child and while I appreciate y9ur help thus far I d9 n9t need y9u guiding my steps like I'm s9me helpless wriggler."
"Very well Kanny, tell me if yo+u need me."

Then you went to your next class but didn't really pay attention to it. You were to busy thinking about (name). You knew what you had to do you just didn't know how. The bell rung and you exit. You see (name) but she was already in a conversation with Dave as he led her out. You went to your father's classroom. Karkat was in one of the Desks doing homework while Mr. Vantas was going through some papers. He looks up.

"Ah Kankri there you are. We can go now."
Mr. Vantas says, putting his things together. Karkat packs up. You all go out to the car and go home. Dinner was pizza. Kankri still had to come up with something. Karkat's always bragging he is a romance expert. Let's ask him.
"May I ask some advice? Romance advice."
"Does it involve (name)?"
"Nope, sorry can't help you. I'm not allowed to do anything involving her anymore and even if I was the answer would be no so beat it."
"That answer is no."

You sigh. You already said you didn't need Porrim's help so you can't ask her. You have too much pride for that. Looks like you're on your own. You go to your room and get on the computer. First long in then get on google and type in "how do you ask a girl out?" Google knows just about everything so this is your last resort. You spend several hours on this. Got to learn all you can. You read up on romance. Then come across a list of do's and don'ts of asking someone out. You sigh. At least you had all weekend for this.

Monday you saw (name) again. You had to do it today. You talked in your usual places. After the last bell rung you called (name) over. Dave took this as the sign to move on. You'd take her back. You asked her if she'd like to come with him to find his note book in the debate room. You want to talk about something.

~Reader POV~

You agreed, smiling. Kankri take her hand and direct you to the debate room. You perched on a big crate of stuff while Kankri looks around. He was abnormally quiet. It's been about 10 minutes of waiting. Was he stalling? You move your hand and hit something. You pick it up. It feels like a note book.

"Hey Kankri, is this what you're looking for?"
Kankri looked up and came over, taking it.
"Yes, thank y9u."
There was quiet except for the flipping of pages then a zip as the notebook was placed in a backpack then there was silence again.
"Kankri, what's wrong you're so quiet. I thought you wanted to talk."
"Yes, right, talk."
For once Kankri found it hard to speak. There were so many ifs. He gulps. You were tempted to break the silence. It seemed like a good opportunity to confess your love but Kankri spoke first.
"Trigger warning: #awkwardness"
What? Is he serious? Is this what it sounds like?

"(Name), I've kn9w y9u f9r quite s9me time n9w. Y9u are a w9nderful, 6eautiful, pers9n. Y9u are the 9nly 9ne wh9 listens t9 me. Y9u never tell me t9 shut up, just t9 keep g9ing. Y9ur smile 6rightens my day. Y9u never make me feel al9ne. TW: . I d9n't care that y9u can't see and I d9n't care Karkat d9esn't like y9u. Y9u're perfect. It's his l9ss. Y9u've 6een w9nderful fr9m the m9ment I met y9u. T9 cut t9 the chase, I've c9me t9 see that I l9ve y9u. I w9uld like t9 ask if y9u w9uld 6e my matesprit?"

Holy shit pickles it is what it sounded like! Oh god yes! You smiled at him.
"Trigger warning: of personal space contact through action."
"What- d9 y9u-"
You hopped off the box and kissed him on the lips. It took a second but Kankri melted into it and kissed back. You broke apart too soon in his opinion.
"I love you too and I'll gladly be your matesprit."
"Same warnings as you."
Kankri kissed you and you kissed back it was more passionate this time.
"I love you."


Dave stood in the doorway looking grossed out. He came to get you because it was time to go. He didn't expect to see you and Kankri having sloppy make outs in the debate room. God! You're his cousin. This is one memory he's going to try and suppress. He suppose he should get you but he wasn't sure if he wanted to get in the middle of this. Plus, you seem kind of busy right now. So, he turns and walks away.


not mine

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