Tavros x Reader

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       If you've learned anything from your moirail, Tavros Nitram, is that you don't need to travel places or do crazy things in order to have fun. The two of you have the time of your lives by simply staying in your living room. He had taught you how to play Fiduspawn, and you taught him to play Pokémon.

This morning, Tavros texted you that he had to tell you something important when he sees you. You didn't hesitate to invite him over, nor did he hesitate to make plans for the day. Now it was the afternoon, and you were still waiting, dying of anticipation. Sitting on the couch, you just play more Pokémon to pass the time.

The soft knock at the door makes you crack a smile. Tavros is finally here, and you excitedly opened the door to greet him. Tavros beamed at you and it looked as though he was going to explode if he didn't tell you the big news. After holding the door for him to wheel into your living room. Wasting no time, he grabs your hands. "(Name), I'm getting legs!" he cried. You feel your face burst into a smile, and you throw your arms around him.

"Oh my gog, Tav!! That's awesome!" you squeal. You know how much he changed when that spider-bitch hurt him... his confidence disappeared, and so did his enthusiasm. To be able to walk again would make him so happy! "Kanaya and Equius are giving them to me tomorrow." he says. You feel tears gather by your eyes, releasing when you blinked. His cheeks were streaked with brown-ish tears, and the two of you had a sobfest of happiness for the next hour.

When you had both come back from your elation, he sighs. His eyes display mixed emotions. You see nervousness, confidence, and even a bit of fear. "You okay, Tav?" you lay your hand on his shoulder. He looks up at you and smiles. "Yeah, I'm okay, (name), I just can't wait!" he assures you. Before you say anything, he pulls his Fiduspawn game from his bag. "I can't wait to beat you, that is!" he smirks, putting on his toughest face. "Oh, you're on, Nitram!" you say confidently.

As Tavros sets up the game, you run to the kitchen to make popcorn. Pouring some soda into two separate cups, you hear Tavros's voice from the living room, humming. You stand silent for a bit, trying to tell what song it was, but to no avail. Shrugging and smiling to yourself, you carry the popcorn and soda to the living room, setting it down. Taking a seat across from Tavros, you give him a sly look. "Let's do this." you say, chuckling at your attitude.

All through the night, neither one of you are losing yet, and your skills evenly matched. Laughing and trading confident pre-victory lines are the only sounds in the house, and to you it is perfect. In the heat of an intense battle, Tavros manages to finally win, his face lighting up. He wheels around the table to give you a hug. "You're a great opponent, (name)!" he chimes. You chuckle again. "You too, Tav!" you say, stretching. You look at the clock, which reads 1:45am. You really DID stay up all night!

Tavros busies himself with cleaning up and putting away the game as you carry the dishes back to the kitchen. Since you're already in the kitchen, you decide to go ahead and wash the dishes. You'll probably sleep in all day anyways! You submerge a plate in the warm water and start. Not long after you start the dishes though, you hear Tavros humming again. You're dying to know what the song is, but if Tavros knew you were hearing him, he would probably be so embarassed. You then dismissed the urge and focus on the dishes.

Meanwhile in the living room, Tavros has finished putting his game away and now sits, waiting for your patiently, in his wheelchair humming. 'She's so nice' he thinks to himself. 'I hope I tell her tonight...' his body shakes slightly, but he manages to control it before you walk back in to the living room. "Where do you want to sleep, Tavros?" you ask. His face gets swept by a shade of rust, and he avoids looking into your eyes. "I, uh... maybe.. um....." he trails off, starting to shake again.

You walk over to him and give him another quick hug. Its not uncommon to see him like this, but no more than 10 minutes ago, he was laughing and having a blast. "What's wrong?" you ask. Before you can even react, he gives you a swift peck on the lips. "Tavros..." your face turns red. "I'm so sorry (name), I didn't mean to... uh, I mean I did, but... um... not to uh...." he sputters nervously. The poor guy looks as though he's about to cry!

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