Prologue: Rebel Group

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I sat completely still, not daring to make the slightest sound. I couldn't have my parents' friends thinking badly of them because of me. I didn't even know why I was sitting in this room full of pressure. It isn't as if a nine year old like myself would understand confusing terms having to do with governments. All I knew was my mother always said to support World, because she wanted America to be true to its name. "A 'free world'," she would say, "is not free. Not if it is bound by law and mankind."

I look up from my crossed legs and stare at all the intimidating adults standing around the room. They were so much taller than I was. All of them looked dead. Like their years in our town, Seattle, Washington, had them worn from their beliefs. Currently we were under the rule of Country. That is when there is a president who leads an entire country, his say goes, and nobody can do anything about it. Unless you want to risk your life...

"Lacey," Jackson whispered with a wicked smile as he nudged my arm with his elbow.

"Shh," I whispered back intensely. "Don't speak to me until the meeting is over. Dad would get onto us if we were disruptive. Plus. It's not like you've got anything important to say."

Jackson's smile dropped and he turned away with a barely audible huff. He was a sibling of mine older than me by three years, but he hung out with me more than he did Isaiah, the eldest of my two brothers. I liked Isaiah in an off-way. I could never actually tell him I thought he was cool, that would make me seem less cool so I wouldn't be like him. He always seemed to be so brave and strong. Maybe one day Jackson and I could be brave and strong too.

I clenched my teeth shut to try and hold back a yawn as the room went quiet from discussion. It was an odd thing. It seemed too early for their meeting to end, and out of tons of people- you'd think somebody would be talking at one point or another. Plus, Jackson always talks about how awkward it is when people you are with and yourself are silent. I glance at him and see an uneasy expression on his face. I stared at him until I thought I could replicate it good enough. If he looked concerned, then so should I.

I hear my mother's voice start conversation again so I zone back out. Sitting on the floor there wasn't much to do, so I played with my curly, brown hair, which was in pigtails. I decided nothing important was happening, so I could just close my eyes and rest for a few minutes.

I shut my eyelids and imagined what our world would be like if it was dominated by the World governmental view. Probably perfect... like Mom and Dad said. I bet nobody would ever get hurt. The corners of my lips turn up as I imagine a peaceful and lovely world.

A loud noise echoed in my ears that shook me from my daze. My blue eyes widen as I look frantically around the room. I don't see what made the noise, only a large group of frightened adults. I started to get very nervous. Adults were supposed to be fearless.

My heart seemed to race. I slowly stood up and cautiously started for Mom and Dad with Jackson holding my hand. I stared at my mother's face for permission to come, and when she realized we were standing there she screamed and beckoned us toward her.

My mother turned to Dad and whispered something in his ear. He stroked her face and hushed her. She took me into her arms, and Dad held onto Jackson's shoulder. I looked to see Isaiah talking with another boy his age on the other side of the room.

I blinked my eyes to try and keep back oncoming tears. I was scared. Isaiah wasn't. I wished I could help myself, but I couldn't keep from worrying what that noise was.

I didn't think anything could frighten me more, but I was wrong, when that noise occurred again. Except this time it was inside this room. The loud noise pounded as the shut door to our living room was busted open. What seemed an endless supply of Country soldiers poured into the room.

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