The Eighth Chapter: Vanquished

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I sat beside Nadia and Tsuri as everyone waited for Vana to come inform us of what was happening. It was chaos. Everyone was running to pack up supplies and lugging guns from one spot to another. Somehow word got around to everyone except us. 

"Von, are you sure you don't know what's happening?" Perry muttered for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"No Darling," he sighed, "I might be in charge of you all, but she's over me."

Perry huffed impatiently and laid down against Von's side. "I wish that woman would hurry up."

Michael's grey eyes watched me closely and after a minute he sighed,  "I swear, Lacey, you've been quiet this whole time. Why don't you act humane and share something."

My heart jumped from the sudden question and I couldn't think straight as I felt everyone's attention turn to me. "Sorry," I muttered, "I didn't have anything important to say."

"Can you think of something then?" Michael asked lazily.

I intertwined my fingers as I waited for something interesting to come up. "Hmm." I smiled wickedly and said, "The weather outside is nice."

Michael broke down in short laughs half between amusement and toleration. His eyes lit up and his clasped hands lifted to block the laughter from his mouth. Michael fell deep into his seat and he closed his eyes as a smile still played lightly on his lips.

"What's so funny about weather?" Nadia asked innocently.

"Nothing," I replied smiling.

"Get up you lazy children. We're taking over Seattle," Lacey's voice boomed as she entered the lowest floor.

"We're taking over Seattle? Are you sure you know what you're saying?" Perry asked incredulously.

"Vana... I'm not sure you've thought this through enough," I murmured. 

"Oh shut it all of you. This has been planned out to every minor possible detail, for every back up plan that's possible. Today is our rebellion. Other groups across America are taking over their cities as well. Our representative just got back from a meeting in Nebraska guaranteeing the participation of all the states. After we take over some major cities, we've got bigger plans. That's not relevant at the moment, so DON"T pester me about it like a bunch of school girls. Okay? Get into a new change of clothes," Vana ordered strictly.

"Why do we have to put on new clothes?" Nadia asked seriously.

"We've all got to wear our white clothing. This is an official raid and you would all look even more stupid if you were wearing some purple logo tee shirt and jean shorts in the midst of everyone else. I'll be waiting at the loading docks. Somebody make sure Michael and Lacey get there," Vana said as she turned to leave.

White for the World. Blue for the Country. Red for the State. The colors that were intertwined into our flag meant more than what people normally would have thought.

"Where are the clothes?" I questioned lazily.

"Weapons room. Just grab whatever fits you," Von muttered.

"And they're there why?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. Because they're like armor I guess. Enough questions," Von replied.

I got up and walked into the weapons room and noticed a glass section of the wall that had white clothing hung or folded in piles inside. I slid the front open and examined my options. I ended up choosing   a cropped shirt, legging-like jeans, and a long trench coat since I assumed it would be cold. I picked all the things up and then bent over quickly to grab a pair of white converse. It was a bit creepy how many different types of clothing they had in absolute white alone.

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