The Twentieth Chapter: Nadia

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I felt a hand run over my back. "It's time to get up, Lacey," Michael stated.

I frowned. I didn't want to get up and all yet. I wanted to keep sleeping. "Do I really need to?" I asked desperately.

"Yes, Lacey," Michael sighed. "We have arrived in Washington D.C. so you had better get up quick before this train heads back with us still on it."

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yes. Seriously," Michael replied.

"Well, what time is it?" I asked.

Michael rolled his eyes. "That's irrelevant. Just get up, and do it quick. We've got to find the rest of the group."

My mind slowly came into focus. I remembered why we went on the trip and who we were looking for. My heart started beating fast in excitement. I was going to get to fight today. Alongside everyone I loved who was still living.

"Where's Theo?" I asked.

"He got too anxious. He's waiting outside the train for us," Michael stated.

"Oh," I commented. "Alright."

I sat up and threw my hair up into a messy bun to hide the fact that I hadn't brushed it today. Then I grabbed my bag and stood up. I decided to wear the clothes I had on because I knew we didn't really have any time for me to go change.

"Well," I said, "Let's go."

Michael gave me his hand and pulled me up. We left the train and walked into a bitter cold weather. I winced at Michael's expression as I turned to look at him. Theo who had been sitting on a bench hopped up and ran up to us.

"Are you ready?" Theo asked.

"Oh definitely. I'm really excited," I said.

"When am I not?" Michael responded arrogantly.

"Well," Theo muttered, "I have no idea where we're going. So start walking. I have gotten tired of sitting waiting for you two."

"It wasn't more than five minutes," Michael sighed.

"Every minute waiting is like an eternity to a child like me," Theo chimed.

"Whatever," Michael stated.

We started walking towards our destination. Soon we got to a part of town where people were hastily moving away with bags over their shoulders. News reporters seemed to be the only still thing. They were scattered everywhere.

We managed to slide around the hoards of patrols thankfully. We finally got about half a mile away from the White House. We could see fighting going on in the far distance. "It's already started," I stated.

"Well," Michael replied awkwardly. "I think that's pretty clear."

I looked down at Theo. He wasn't smiling, but I could tell he was excited by the fact he was so close to a war. "What are we doing with Theo?" I asked Michael.

Theo looked up at me with a complaining expression. "You didn't have to bring that back up again? I am going to be fighting with you, and everyone else. Just as I planned from the start," Theo stated firmly despite his jittery hands.

"Yeah right, kid," Michael laughed. "You are not going to fight. Especially not if I get any say in the matter," he paused to take a breath, "Lacey, we'll just find somewhere safe, maybe with somebody we know, and then he can hide out with them until this thing is ended for certain. I don't want him getting involved. I doubt you do either."

"Of course I don't," I admitted. "Theo, you will have to sit this one out, but if this doesn't go over well as planned, you'll have countless opportunities for fighting later on in your life. We don't need you supporting this war. Michael and I wouldn't be able to focus on anything. We would be too worried about you the whole time," I stated.

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