Meeting Most of the Rest of the Group!

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"Wow. Who would've guessed that they'd be holding a community dance? Right, 'Rina?" Jimmy said to Marina, holding her hand as they walked to the PokéCenter.

Marina, being a girly girl that she was, said, "You had better get a tuxedo, because I am going to wear my dress and we WILL look nice. You got that?"

"Yes, 'Rina, I realize that, but if they aren't playing the songs I'm going to be there for, then I'm going back to our room, okay?" Gold told her, slightly tired.

"Get back here! Sweety, give it back!" Someone shouted to someone else.

"Funny. That sounds like someone I know." Both Marina and Jimmy thought to themselves.

"Not yet, Rubes. Ya gotta catch me first!" A girl said, sounding like she was happy.

When Jimmy and Marina heard that, they looked at each other then rushed to where the voices were. When they entered they saw a couple of people they didn't think they'd see associating with someone they didn't know.

Jimmy, taking the first step, shouted to them, "Hey, Ruby and Sapphire! How are you two?"

Ruby, Sapphire, and the people they were talking to looked at Jimmy. Then Sapphire said, "Jimmy! Marina! It's so great to see you two! Get over here, I want to introduce you both to some people!"

When Jimmy and Marina walked over to them, a brunette girl approached them and pulled Jimmy to the side.

Jimmy, startled by the person he didn't know, tried to struggle, only for the brunette's grip to get stronger.

Once she was sure she was out of the earshot of everyone else, she leaned towards his ear and whispered to him, "So have you proposed et? I bet she'd love it if you proposed."

Jimmy stopped squirming due to shock as his face went pale. He slowly looked back to Marina as she was just puzzled about why the brunette decided to drag him to the side.

Luckily, another brunette from the group, a male this time, was walking over to them and pulled the other brunette away from Jimmy. Jimmy could've sworn he heard the guy mutter something like, "Pesky girl," to the lady as she was trying to squirm to get back to Jimmy.

With that, Marina decided to walk over to Jimmy and talk to him. "Hey, are you alrgiht? You look a little pale." Then she realized something. "Was it what she whispered into your ear? Because if so, then I won't hesitate to slap her when we-"

"No!" Jimmy interrupted her, a little bit panciked.

Marina, a little bit surprised, suddenly seemed intrigued about what the brunette said to him, asked him, "What did she say to you?"

"Oh, nothing important, just her trying to scare me..." He ansswered with a goofy smile, trying to play it off.

Marina, knowing it wasn't the case but not willing to pry, just said, "Okay then. I'll leave it at that."

So they walked back to the group and Ruby was smiling knowingly at Jimmy, as he'd experienced one of the brunette's "talks".

That wasa when Sapphire decided to introduce everyone to each other.

"So... everyone, this is Jimmy and Marina," she said, gesturing to Jimmy and Marina.

The rest of the group just waved to them.

"And this is Whitlea," she said gesturing to a different lady brunette.

Whitlea said, "Hi, there. Pleasure to meet you two! This bonehead here is Black, my-"

"Employee, assistant, best friend, and basically only friend!" The guy said with a smirk, earning him a punch to the shoulder from Whitlea.

A black-haired man in a red outfit approached them and said, "Don't worry, Black is always like that. By the way, my name is Red! Nice to meet you!"

Gold, being the trainer that he was, busted out, "Wait. The same Red that beat the Elite Four in the Kanto region?!"

Red, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck, replied, "Yeah, that's me!"

Next, a blonde came up to them and said, "Hi, I'm Yellow. Ruby and Sapphire have told us about you! I was intrigued and I was the one who suggested the meetup!"

Red had put his arm around Yellow after she was talking and Yellow simply smiled.

Next came the brunette that had dragged Jimmy aside. She came up to them with a smirk on her face and said, "I'm Blue. Nice to meet you." She then flashed a look at Jimmy before the other brunette came up to them and introduced himself. "I'm Green, this pesky girl's husband."

When Marina heard the names Blue and Green, she immediately knew why Jimmy was pale: Blue Oak, the infamous wife of the Gym Leader Green Oak. Infamous because of her always causing mischief with every couple she meets, or trying to play Cupid.

Jimmy, on the other hand, not being a girl and on top of all rumors regarding famous and infamous people (please don't hate me, I'm not sexist), was still afraid of her. Because he was still afraid of her, he decided to focus on Green instead.

"So, Green, who's posing as the temporary Gym Leader while you're away?" Jimmy asked him, since he did at least know that Green was a gym leader.

"Nobody, I put a sign up saying that I was on vacation for a couple of months, so that way people wouldn't get their badges without battling me."

"Oh. You're trying to get away from battling challengers or are you just here to please Blue?"

"Neither. I came here because Ruby and Sapphire asked me to come. Why?"

"Then may I have a battle with you? Please? I wanna test my strength against one of the Kanto gym leaders!"

"I would kid, but my Pokémon are tired and need a rest. Sorry."

Jimmy, not a person known to get down at things like that, said, "It's alright!"

*Meanwhile, Ruby and Sapphire were looking towards the doors of the PokéCenter, like they were waiting for something.


Alright everyone who's still reading, I'm ending it on chapter 30. Just a heads up. Later!

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