Marina Is (Kind Of) A Dream Crusher

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When Jimmy got to the pokémon center on route 4, he didn't expect Marina to be there.

"Hey, Marina! I didn't expect to see you here!" Jimmy said, hoping she was excited to see him, too. Too bad for him, she didn't hear him as she was talking on the phone.

"So, Vincent. WHY do you act like you're all someone needs when you get worried over a little thing like, 'I didn't get someone a present'?" Marina was yelling, no, screaming, at Vincent over her Pokégear.

"Looks like her and Vincent are on bad terms with each other. I might have a chance." Jimmy thought to himself.

"I wish Jimmy was here. Then I might actually be happy since it's not Vincent. Or do I like Jimmy? I... I think I like him." Marina thought to herself after hanging up on Vincent.

"Looks like she's off the phone now. I'm going to scare her!" Jimmy said in his mind.

He goes up behind her and says, "Boo!"

"Ahhh! I swear whoever that is is going to be.... Jimmy! It's so great to see you! I haven't seen you in so long!" Marina said, quickly recovering from her scared yet angry mood.

"I'm doing great! But when I yelled your name the first time, you were on your Pokégear with someone. Forgive me for being nosy, but curiosity always gets the best of me... who was it?" Jimmy asked.

Marina thought, "Did he hear everything? I hope not." Then she replied, "Oh it was just Vincent! We were just arguing... over what I should do. Can you believe the nerve of him? Saying that all I need to do is come travel with him and then everything will be easy street from there! Even if it was, I LIKE the challenges and the bumps in the road! He kept saying, 'No, you WILL come travel with me and you WILL like it!' I just can't believe him sometimes! I mean..."

Jimmy was thinking, "She sure can go on for days. I should probably listen to her. It might help her to like me more. But then again, I could be using that time to..."

Marina saw him drift off and just stared at him. "I DEFINITELY like him if I'm just standing here and staring at him rather than see if he's listening. I even know something I can do to see if he might like me back!" She then said to Jimmy, "Hey, Earth to Jimmy! Is anyone in there?" She started knocking on his head.

"What? Yeah, sorry. I got lost while you were talking. Sorry. I got lost right after you said, 'I just can't believe him sometimes.' I missed everything after that. Sorry." Jimmy apologized.

"Wow, he's coming clean with me! That's a first for ANY guys I know."

"Anyways," Marina said, "When did you get here?"

"I got here just about 7 minutes ago. How about you?" "Please don't give me a long story of when you got here. PLEASE, Marina!"

"I got here about an hour ago." She replied.

"Thank goodness." He thought.

"Although..." Marina said, trying to get a reaction out of him.

"Agh! No! Please don't give me another long story!" He said, noticing she had an evil smile on her face. "What's with the smile?"

Marina ignored the question and questioned him instead.

"Why don't you want to listen to me?" She said, trying to see if he would lie.

"I really don't like listening to long stories of how and when and why and where and... you get the point." He replied, telling the truth.

"Okay, I DEFINITELY need to get him to ask me out." She thought to herself.

"Well, okay then. Let's sit down. My feet and legs are starting to hurt." She suggested, mostly just wanting to sit with him on the same object.

"Sure," he replied.

"I really should ask her out. I mean, I've got a funny feeling she likes me." He thought to himself, unaware that that thought would soon disappear.

"Now's my chance to see if he'll get jealous." Marina thought to herself. She was going to show him her book of Lance, her idol. That cape ALWAYS got her. Anytime she saw a cape, she freaked out at how cute the guy might be. One of the ways, possibly the ONLY way, to get her to think capes were unattractive was if Vincent wore one and tried to come to the rescue of her.

Here's another fun fact: Jimmy is possibly the only person who didn't wear a cape that Marina thought was attractive.

"Hey, Jimmy. Look at this," she said, holding her book of Lance out so he could see him.

"Oh no. I guess that crushes my dreams of her liking me." Jimmy thought to himself, getting depressed.

"Good for you, Marina. You've got a crush in somebody," Jimmy said, surprisingly angry. He didn't want to be angry, but his emotions had taken over his speech.

"Yes! He's jealous, but far angrier than I wanted him to be. I'm starting to regret this decision." Marina thought to herself.

"Hey, Jimmy, what's up? You look like you're angry at something." Then Marina had an idea come to her mind! "Is it because you're jealous of Lance being in my journal instead of YOU? Hmmmmm?" An evil grin came upon her face. "This had to be the perfect way to apologize and get him to admit it... right? I mean what could go wrong?" Marina thought.

Apparently, one thing could go wrong.

*Author's Note*

Sorry for the late update, everyone! I've been away from my house for the past few days. I'll try to update as often as I can, but I can't guarantee anything. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

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