New Friends!

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*Insert disclaimer here*

When Jimmy and Marina got to the mall, they went shopping for a few dresses for Marina while Jimmy just stuck to getting a tuxedo his size then exploring the place.

"Hey, sissy boy! Get out of there already so we can go!" A woman's voice said while Jimmy was checking out of the tuxedo store.

"Hey, barbarian, I want to look good on our date, so can you please stop being so impatient?" A man's voice responded.

Jimmy had decided to check whatever was happening out since he was already done shopping for himself.

What he saw bewildered him: the girl was the one who was complaining about him getting a tux, not the man. The woman with sapphire eyes had said, "Why does this have to be a formal date? Why can't it be a normal date like all of our others?"

"Because I want this date to be perfect!" The man with ruby eyes answered back.

Jimmy decided he should introduce himself to them and see if he could help drag the ruby-eyed man away from the tuxedo shop.

"Hi, there. You guys look like a LOVELY couple." He said, sarcastically.

The ruby-eyed man said, "Why thank you!" Apparently sarcasm was never introduced to him in life.

The sapphire-eyed woman rolled her eyes. "Can't you see he was being sarcastic? Oh wait, you were too tied up in looking for the PERFECT tuxedo! By the way, my name's Sapphire!" She said, obviously scolding the ruby-eyed man and then directing her attention to Jimmy.

The ruby-eyed man then said, "I know he was being sarcastic, but it was too good of a compliment to pass up! By the way, my name's Ruby!" Ruby then stuck out his hand for Jimmy to shake, to which Jimmy then shook.

"Well, it's nice to meet you two, especially you, Sapphire." Jimmy said to them, not even flinching when Ruby clenched his fist and saw his angry expression. "I'm not trying to steal your girlfriend dude." After he said that, Ruby relaxed and just sat down beside Sapphire. Jimmy continued, "The thing is, Sapphire, I'm in the same boat as you. I'm also being dragged into a formal date. The only problem is, it's my first date and I really really like the girl."

"Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one." Sapphire mumbled while Ruby asked, "Is that girl by any chance named Marina?"

Stunned, Jimmy responded with a nod.

"Well, I happen to know Marina only by contests, but she did ask me if I had a girlfriend after the match." Ruby said. Sapphire's angry face was blushing like crazy, only to turn into a very sad face when he continued, "I responded, 'I do! She just happens to be a wonderful barbarian!'" Ruby was laughing like crazy, but when he saw Sapphire frown, he immediately regretted saying that he said that.

"Sapph?" Ruby asked her, hoping to get a response.

"Shut. Up." She responded. Obviously, they both had forgotten Gold was there.

"Sapph, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that and you know I was just joking around. I'm sorry that I said that about you." When she didn't respond, he continued, "If it makes you feel any better, I didn't actually say that to Marina. You know that you're the most beautiful person in the world in my eyes, personality and everything about you." That's when Sapphire blushed like crazy and just hugged him. Tightly. She was practically choking him to death, but he didn't care. He only cared that she was happy and wasn't neglecting him anymore.

"*Cough* *cough*." Gold coughed, breaking the two up. Both of their faces were blushing a brand new dark shade of red.

"Oh, hey, Gold.... I forgot you were standing right there...." Ruby said, awkwardly. Sapphire said nothing and was just looking away.

"Now that that's over with, can you just get your tuxedo and make it up to her on the date. I haven't even gone on a date yet and I know that that's what you should do. Geez." "I hope Marina and I don't end up arguing all the time like those two, but I do hope we both end up happy like those two." Jimmy thought to himself.

His thoughts were interrupted by a shout saying, "Ruby! I see you've met Jimmy!"

"Speaking of the devil, here comes an angel." Jimmy thought.

"Hi, Marina! How have you been doing?" Ruby asked her as she walked up.

"Oh, I've been great! I finally got myself a date for you-know-where!" Marina said, confusing Jimmy.

"Oh, really? I take it that that's where you're taking Jimmy here?" Ruby asked, obviously knowing where she was talking about.

"Yes! He doesn't know EXACTLY where we're going yet, but he knows it's formal, so he's getting a tuxedo." Marina answered him. That's when she saw Sapphire. She was holding hands with Ruby. "Oh, is this your girlfriend that you spoke so highly of at that contest about two weeks ago? The one who stole your heart?" To that, Ruby blushed a shade of red darker than his eyes.

Sapphire just said, "Awwwwwww! You actually DIDN'T tell her I was a barbarian! Thank you, Ruby!" She kissed him on the cheek then blushed and walked over to the dress store.

"...I can't wait to see her face on the date..." Ruby muttered to himself, then pulled a tiny box out and examined the inside. Marina and Jimmy widened their eyes in surprise. He then put the tiny box back inside his jeans pocket.

"You're going to-" Marina was cut off by Ruby saying, "She has VERY good hearing. Better than perfect hearing. She can also hear at a further distance than any other human, so please keep quiet until we get there! Please!"

"Fine, but we expect to see it happening live on the date." Marina said, smirking.

"Then let's make it a double date!" Ruby said, obviously excited about the idea.

"Ahem." Jimmy said, trying to catch their attention.

"Also, we can make it to where we'll present the "gift" to you when you plan on doing it."

"Ahem!" Jimmy tried again.

"No thanks, but thanks for suggesting that!" Ruby replied to Marina.

"AHEM!!!" Jimmy basically yelled, this time catching their attention.

"Maybe it would be better if you told her where we were going before you leave so that way there's no more than one surprise. That way, she can be happy with this surprise." Jimmy suggested.

"Good idea, Jimmy. I think I'll go tell her after I check out now. Thanks!" Then Ruby went to the dress shop from which Marina came from. (They had already checked out.)

"Where exactly is the date anyways, Marina?" Jimmy asked, hoping she would answer. Apparently, she didn't hear him as she skipped off to the Pokémon Center. There, they got ready.

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