Lost in the Forest.

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"Come on! Let's get out of this forest!" Marina said, wanting to get ready for their date almost immediately.

Jimmy, who actually thought about where they were in the forest, said, "One problem: where do we go to get back to the pokémon center, Marina?"

Marina, who thought she was going the right way, shouted, "This way! I remember which way I came from!"

"Marina! Keep quiet! You might wake some wild Beedril! They might get angry and try to attack us!"

On that topic, Jimmy asked Marina another question: "Marina, you didn't happen to bring any of your pokémon, did you?" Jimmy asked, knowing that there were Beedril in the forest that could come after them and attack them.... And Ursaring.... And Ariados.... Needless to say, he was worried.

Marina replied to him, "Uhhhhhhhh... maybe?" Then, she frantically searched for her pokéballs. When she couldn't find them, Jimmy got even more worried.

"Whatever you do, keep your eyes open and watch out for any Beedril, Ursaring, or Ariados. If you do see one, stop, back away slowly, and stay behind me. Okay, Marina? I wouldn't want you to get hurt before our date, now do I?"Jimmy said, worried at first but then trying to lighten the mood at the end.

Marina, who was worried about what would happen to Jimmy if she stayed behind him at all times, asked him, "But what will happen if they attack you?"

"I'll be fine! I am one tough guy, and you know that!" Jimmy replied, hoping she wouldn't remember their childhood.

Marina thought to herself, "Says the kid that was always crying about a tiny stick hitting him when we were playing." However, she didn't say that to Jimmy as she knew that it's been at least five years since he used to do that. Then she said to him, "Okay."

He then took her hand and lead her through the forest.

"Hopefully this is the right way. Marina always was bad with directions." Jimmy thought to himself, as he went the direction Marina said she came from.

*Time skip to about a half hour later*

"I thought you said this was the way you came from," Jimmy said to Marina, knowing that it wasn't her fault.

"I'm sorry, Jimmy. I tried to remember which way I came from, but I guess I forgot it in that wonderful moment we had together!" Marina said, getting lost in how brave he was.

Jimmy stopped, turned around, and said to her, "I can't say I blame you. I knew I was going to be lost in this forest if you said yes."

Now they were lost in each other's eyes, not even caring if anyone was watching them.

There was someone watching them, though: a Beedril. It had been abandoned by its trainer in this forest. It was longing to find another trainer to take care of it. That's when Jimmy started to hug Marina. The Beedril that was watching them was close to shedding a tear. (Can Beedril shed tears when they're either very happy or very sad? I don't know.)

The Beedril came out if its hiding place behind the bushes without Jimmy noticing. Marina noticed, but she didn't mention it since it didn't look like it was going to attack them. That was when Jimmy broke the hug and turned around.

He immediately saw the Beedril. At first he was scared for Marina, but when the Beedril wasn't attacking and was coming up very slowly to them, he started to realize that it wasn't going to attack.

When the Beedril landed right in front of him and started to nuzzle on him, he was careful when he tried to hug it back. Then he said to Marina, "Hey, Marina. Can you look into my bag for an empty pokéball, please?"

"Sure," Marina replied. She knew what he was going to do: he was going to see if he could capture it without having to make it faint first.

She then went into his bag to see if he had any empty pokéballs inside it. She found one and gave it to him.

Jimmy then asked the Beedril, "Do you want me to be your trainer?"

The Beedril responded by nodding its head, 'yes.'

"Okay, here goes!" Jimmy said calmly as he prodded the Beedril with the pokéball. Beedril gladly accepted its new home and its new trainer.

"Alright, Beedril. Come on out," Jimmy said. Beedril came out and just stood there.

"Hey, Beedril, can you fly up and tell us which way the pokémon center is?" Jimmy asked his newly acquired Beedril. His Beedril nodded and flew up.

"Wow. He managed to catch a Beedril without having to battle it. I hope he asks me out more than once!" Marina thought to herself as the Beedril led them out of the forest.

"What am I going to wear?" Both of them thought to themselves once they got to the pokémon center.

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