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Ira's POV:

I looked at myself in the mirror. Every detail of myself in the mirror. I was trying to tell myself that I was beautiful, that I was worth it. I had dark tan skin like every werewolf. On some it looked amazing on others it looked ordinary. I think that I was in the ordinary pile.

I had long curly brown hair, probably the only thing that was beautiful about me. I got it from my mum. Everyone loved her, she was the Beta's mate. I had average hazel eyes, I got these from my dad. He was the Beta.

His eyes were enchanting, charming just like my brother's but on me they looked normal. I did no justice to my parents. That's what everyone around me said. That's what they told me. I wasn't the Omega or anything but I wasn't noticed either.

Everyone avoided me like the plague. I guess when I was born everyone expected a lot of me. My parents were perfect. My brother was perfect. And I wasn't perfect. Even the Omega got more attention than me. Sure, everyone got her to do the chores but at least they saw her, they knew her.

Nobody knew me. Who is Ira? Is she new here? That's what people said when we met or talked. It was unhealthy, very unhealthy that I craved attention. I craved the attention that the Omega had. Now wasn't the time to dwell on it though. Now was the time to hope.

It was Dre's 18th birthday today. The soon to be Alpha's 18th birthday. Hopefully once Dre found his mate things would get better. I would have a friend to talk to, to go to. My brother would be Beta if Dre became Alpha because they were close friends, best friends.

I mentally prepared myself for the happiness about to enter my life. The party was going on downstairs. In case you were wondering, I was in the pack house. I went downstairs joining the crowd as they gathered around the giant birthday cake.

Fae, the pack Omega, baked this wonderful cake for the occasion. It was a double-tier berry cake. It looked stunning and delicious. Dre made his way through the crowd. He looked so handsome.

He was wearing a fitting light brown suit that complemented his fair skin. His short, straight brown hair was styled up in a formal fashion and his somewhat small green eyes shone brightly. He scanned the room looking for his girlfriend and the pack queen bee, Faith.

Faith ran up to him and planted her mouth on his face. She was wearing a skimpy outfit. All of a sudden I started getting a little ache in my heart. It felt like what Dre was doing wasn't right. Like he was doing it with the wrong person.

But what was the problem now? I'd never felt this way before. Dre and Faith walked up to the cake. On the way Dre's gaze fell on me and the world around me stopped. I felt like we were the only two people in the world.

I felt like he would protect me from every bad emotion I had ever felt. I felt like he would love me till the end of life itself. That was until he shook his head, shaking me out of my fantasy too. He looked confused and annoyed.

He shook his head again as if trying to convince himself of something.

"No," he whispered softly, so softly that I had to strain to hear and even then it sounded like it was in my head.

I couldn't take it. I ran outside and hid behind one of our many sheds. I cried hard letting all my emotions come out and seep into the soil. After an hour or so I heard footsteps, heavy foot steps.

"Uh hi?" said a masculine voice that sent shivers down my spine.

That voice could belong to no one other than Dre. I looked up at him all teary eyed.

"Don't cry ok?" he said.

I nodded my head, a feeling of hope blossoming within me. Maybe he wanted me back. Maybe he'd felt the bond and loved me too.

"Look um..." he trailed.

"Ira," I said.

"Yeah, look Ira. Don't take it the wrong way but I don't think you could be my mate," he said.

I closed my eyes. It hurt, his words hurt.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I don't think that you would be able to face being a Luna and I have to think about whats best for the pack."

I just nodded my head. Silent tears streaming down my face.

"There's just no other choice," he continued," I, Dre Triston Woodcourt, reject you as my mate."

I felt weak all of a sudden, very weak.

"I, Ira Trish Waterford, accept your rejection," I said my voice breaking.

The wind was knocked out of me and I fell to the ground.

"See, you wouldn't be able to face being Luna," he said one last time before turning away.

I had just enough energy to sit up.

"Wait!" I called, "Why don't you want me?"

"I have Faith. We are planning to complete the mating bond tonight and she will be my Luna," he said before walking away.

I couldn't help it my heart broke into tiny little pieces inside me. This wasn't happening. When I came out of my room an hour ago, I came prepared for happiness not for hurt. And this was the biggest hurt that could have been delivered to me from my own mate.

I couldn't take this, I wouldn't take this. I would not stay here in this cursed place while my mate mated with another she-wolf. I would not. I had made my mind up. I was leaving and I was leaving for good.


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