Chapter 18: Murder In The Forest

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I apologize for taking so long but I had a massive writers block. It's the second day of school today and I just thought why not have an update.


Hallow's POV:

 "2 Emporio Chapter 7 Verse 3 says 'six wings adorned their backs and clawed hands reached out ahead. Their faces met with those bathing in the river and all marched together as one'."

I pulled my head up from the book I had been reading. It was the Cagli, the vampires' history of their goddess. My friend by the coast had sent me another message. He warned of mermaids amassing at the border of their kingdom. Our history tells that long ago the same thing happened with the gods. Our goddess fought the people living under the waters of the open sea. She did come out victorious but after many years of war and even more consequences.

 We were not ready for war. The Vampires had lived in isolation from the other races for too long. Any prospect of war, doubtful or not, was grave indeed.

 I got a clean sheet of parchment paper and grabbed a quill. After dipping it in black ink I wrote: Thank you friend. My kingdom shall ever be in your debt. If they intend to march inland then please do tell me.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The door creaked open and the King stepped into the room.

"Sit son," said the King as I made to stand up from my seat.

"What is it Father?"

The King's obsidian eyes pierced into me when he spoke, his tone an inaudible hiss.

"What is that on your desk?" he asked, pointing to the message.

The King scanned the message a couple of times before returning to the conversation.

"You do know of how your brother's death came to transpire?"

"Yes Father," I whispered, the anger hidden from so long ago bubbling up in my trembling voice.

"Then you know of the threat that they pose to us."

"What do you mean? No body dares to oppose us."

"No son. Remember that their Alpha had sworn revenge on us and if the Mer people attack then they will choose sides. And we all know how that's going to end. We can't afford to have two kingdoms plotting against us. With the forests to our south and the sea to our east, we are effectively trapped. If the packs are somehow rallied against us then we are doomed, with or without the help of the witches."

I sat there seething in silence. I could not say that war with my brother's killers would not bring me pleasure but I also knew of the slaughter my father was speaking of. Us bloodsuckers would not survive the battle no matter how much blood would spill on the field.

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