Chapter 19: The New Queen

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Sorry readers! I know its been like seven months but... Yeah I have no explanation. Anyways here is the new installment of this book and I hope you like it.


Serena's POV:

Hallow stood rigid in the middle of the throne room with a mysterious letter in his hands. His fingers were locked tightly onto the parchment like his life depended on it. It was five in the morning and the whole castle was on wide alert as well as in grieving. Drifting out of his troubled thoughts the King had summoned his family including me for an audience to discuss what had happened and our next course of action.

I looked sideways at Ayesha who spotted the hard look in her brother's eyes but watched silently as he paced the room. I had seen his tensed stance but I had been unable to gaze upon his face for multiple reasons: I was not the mate he had hoped for and now I was betraying his kingdom. Despite my undying loyalty to Edmund, the guilt of lying to those who had sheltered me was eating me up.

"Thanks to my friend, we were alerted of the threat before it reached us. Although, we were still caught off guard," Hallow began, breaking the tension, "This letter outlines the movements of the Mer people since the attack. Mordred had observed wolves in the area where the Ambassador had arrived from."

The Queen's icy voice intervened to ask what we had all been thinking, "Where is the Ambassador? Edmund disappeared before we could even speak. We haven't heard from him in days."

"And I find it curious that the appearance of wolves near Crossway and these new attacks have begun since his timely departure," the King commented. 

Ice cold claws gripped my heart in its tight clutches and my mind ran rampant making creases form above my brow.  I had no doubt that Edmund was behind this and I feared for his life as well as my own.

The King nodded his head a theory already forming to explain the situation. His dark eyes were squinted in concentration and his hands were curled up in a powerful fist. His black cape blanketed down the sides of his throne and folded upon his leather booted feet making him look like a formidable enemy. 

I knew I would be in serious trouble, possibly facing my death, if anyone even caught a whiff of what I was involved in. Even if I had not physically done anything, the mere knowledge of Edmund's plans and my choice to keep them hidden would result in a catastrophic blood bath. Right now, the only person who knew of my secret was Corene and if I was sure she would keep the discovery to herself before, I was unsure now after the events of Forest's death. Also what she had revealed to be about my illness before made me more at risk of being found out. If I was to survive the coming onslaught, I would have to become tougher and smarter; awareness of those around me would also serve me well in the coming days.

I'd seen vampires delve into a state of active blood lust before but that coupled with the might of the King and Queen was unthinkable. The royal family's eyes were dark but the legends went that when they let loose then even the black of night seemed like day; their stares were dangerous and hypnotic. Everything about the consequence I could potentially face was terrifying and very likely. 

I gazed at the King, waiting for his response but none came. He looked at the Queen and something seemed to have been decided between the two. This was the Queen's time to dictate certain matters and the steel look she gave the King seemed to indicate that there were certain kinds of information she was unwilling to share at the moment.

Pointing to a guard, she said, "You, summon Corene to the throne room."

The tense guard sped away with determined motion but it was a while before the witch came. The whole while no one spoke. A strong breeze rushed through the large open windows carrying leaves and the scent of blood; death still reeked upon the entrance of the castle. Hallow dipped his head, tears of blood streaking down his face and Ayesha broke into uncontrollable sobs. I stood still, lost in my own daze.

This was my first test, to see if I had done the right thing by putting my trust in Corene. Meanwhile, the message in Hallow's hand was frequently catching my attention. It's worn parchment pages were growing in significance to me as the minutes ticked by. They held information about the Mers and ultimately Edmund's whereabouts. Being away from my mate was taking its toll and I was beginning to yearn for his company. I made a silent vow to myself that I would try and get those papers when the meeting was over and when time permitted so I could have personal knowledge of where my mate was.

A curious sight caught my attention outside. There was a bird on a branch chirping sorrowfully. Before I could turn away the creature turned its head to look at me, directly in the eye. Then in a burst of flame it disappeared. Snapping out of my reverie I walked rapidly towards the window. Behind me I could feel heads turning my way.

"Are you okay, dear?" the King asked inquisitively.

I gazed out at the tree and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Perhaps it was a figment of my imagination but something seemed off to me.

"I'm fine..." I trailed, "I thought I saw something."

Just then the doors opened and Corene stepped in, escorted by the guard. Immediately she began taking steps towards the King and Queen but not before casting a cautious glance outside.

Had she seen the bird to? Was it a sign? Was someone watching us?

"My King, my Queen," she bowed.

"Corene, we are in a difficult position. The wolves and Mers have us cornered. Whether we stay or fight, we will get slaughtered. But if we want to survive, we must take part in this war," the Queen rushed out.

The silence that ensured was then interrupted by the King.

"What do you think we should do, sister?"

The witch raked her long, spidery fingers through her pale hair and discreetly from the corner of her eye settled her gaze on me. I gave her a tight smile; my back tense from the intense stare.

"I think you should fight this war. There is, after all, no escaping one's fate," her tone held a hard edge to it as she turned her attention back to the King.

"There are many preparations to make then," said Hallow, "We must organize a defense for Crossway and the castle; there are also scouts we must send out to report on the enemy's activity; the other vampire cities must be warned and called to battle; and a message need's to be sent to our forts in the Roveft before I join them."

My head was pounding as I imagined the prince fighting a pack of wolves and possibly even Mers surrounded by his vampire army. The pounding stopped as I tried to escape the mental scene and I realized for the first time that my fear of losing loved ones was not only reserved for Edmund; but I was scared for the prince's life too.

"No," said the Queen, "you will not go."

"But mother-" tried the Prince, only to be interrupted by his father.

"Your mother is right, Hallow. We are the strongest of the vampires. We will leave and lead the impending battles," the King's head dipped towards his Queen as he continued with a dark look in his eyes, "Though someone must maintain the Kingdom from here. That will be you, son."

Corene, who was silent so far, decided to throw in another piece of advice, "Should the worst occur, brother, there must be a way for the royal line to continue."

Ayesha stepped forward ready to take the mantle. It made sense to me, since she had Jarred anyway. But the Queen's gaze was not on her daughter.

"Finally a purpose for our strange visitor has arrived. Serena, you will be our new Queen," a satisfied smile spread across her slim face as she made an announcement that would change my life, "You are hereby betrothed to Prince Hallow Cory Creak of Crossway. Let it be decreed that on the event of our deaths, you are to be wed."


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I know it was a long time in coming. I don't know if any of you expected this outcome but boo ya! Please leave lots of feedback, and don't forget to vote. I'll see you guys next time!!!!

Btw sorry for all my mistakes. I know; I suck:P

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