Chapter 17: Sighting The Beta

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Hello folks, I apologize for the long delay. Just came back from a trip to Fiji. The world is a beautiful place:)


Serena's POV:


I stalked down the middle of the graveyard. The cold wind whistled past as I Iooked over to the forest edge. I felt as if the spirits had awakened, as if they knew I was there. The tiny stones on the dirt path tumbled forward as I stepped over them. For the first time in a long while, I thought back to my life as a werewolf. I remembered my werewolf father as a child and how kind he had been.

My father's kindness was reserved only for my werewolf brother but I still questioned why my whole family chose to ignore my existence although I knew my queries were for naught. Edmund had already told me the night before of my heritage. I was a goddess. The reason my family ignored me was because I was never really there for them. I was just an overlooked aspect of their lives.

"What do you think about Princess Ayesha Cassoway?" Forest asked.

Forest and I had become somewhat acquainted in the past few days. With my relationship with Hallow strained I found myself turning to him. He was a mysterious boy and one with many problems. He was aggressive at times and even cold. What little warmth he showed me was sort of precious.

"Well, I asked you first," I said.

"No, you didn't. Did you?" he asked.

"I did just yesterday," I added.

Forest rolled his eyes and folded his lean arms. He and I looked at each other for a short moment. What he was thinking was totally out of my guess. He scanned me once, then twice. There was a suspicious glint in his eyes but I dismissed it. Some of his actions and words might have been suggestive but I knew he was well aware of his boundaries.

"No - now answer the question," Forest whispered as he held a little bird tightly in his grip.

I looked in an unsure manner at him and observed the bird for a mere two seconds. Its wings were clipped to its body and I could see some feathers being pulled loose as it squirmed uncomfortably. It was blue and bright against its gloomy surroundings. Forest squeezed the bird tighter and I watched as the life left from its body.

"You posed no question worth answering," I replied with internal disgust.

Sometimes Forest seemed like a monster. Killing rodents and little animals was like a game to him or maybe even pest extermination. But this tiny bird's feathers were still shiny and very blue. I was actually unsure as to why I was plaguing myself with his company. I finally realized when my thoughts trailed back to Hallow. Hanging out with his friend would add to the jealously factor.

Although, my heart remained with my secret mate, Edmund. Butterflies erupted in my stomach thinking about him. I remembered his orders from that night quite clearly, stay with the prince and wait for news of my word.

He had told me that there was going to be a war. It was a terrifying thought but I was mated to the man to would have a big part in it. Returning to the present, I was startled when Forest asked, "Why are you speaking to me?"

"Why are you speaking to me?" I repeated after him.

"Why would I not want to speak to you?" he questioned.

"Because I'm crazy," I answered and I was speaking the truth.

My mate was in the sea helping to rule a mermaid kingdom and here I was juggling the heart of the prince of the vampire kingdom. Not only that, but I was associating myself with my new 'friend' Forest, who looked like a killer and acted the part as  well. Adding to the chilling scene, I was in a graveyard with him which was pretty much empty.

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