Chapter 2 - Hayden

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Everything happens a little fast. One moment I'm in the center of a group, feeling claustrophobic as teenagers swarm around me like flies. So many people are speaking so me at once that I'm unable to process each question, resulting to me ignoring a lot of them. I feel so bad but I want to escape, I'm getting sick with the lack of space I have around me and so I'm thankful when the bell rings with a harsh shriek, forcing those around me to dissipate to wherever they have to be.

One girl remains, she's smiling sheepishly at me and I return the gesture, feeling a little awkward. She doesn't say anything but just stands there and, after much consideration, I leave her there.

I don't take long finding the class I want to get to and didn't have any trouble with the bustling corridors either, unlike others. When I walk through, people move to the sides of the hallways (which was rather nerve wracking since I earn several stares in the process) and I pass, thanking the people along the way.

Just as I'm about to enter the class the teacher, or who I assume to be the teacher, barges past without a second glance and drags me along behind him. I'm surprised he even recognizes me as new and acts upon it. At previous schools I was generally ignored unless I forced the teacher's attention on me.

He takes me up to the front of the class and I lean my head forwards, despising the attention from other students.

'Are you Hayden?' He mumbles at me and I nod, hating the cruel look embossed deeply into the lines of his face. His eyes are harsh as they scrape past the teenagers waiting expectantly in their seats.

I feel uncomfortable as I remind myself that these people have been here since day one, they would see me as some sort of intruder rather then another classmate. I'm taking up their seats in the classroom and I feel like I'm stealing something that was once theirs.

'I'd like to introduce you to Hayden, he'll be new to Drama theory and I want you to treat him like you would everyone else,'

I dare to peek at the others but when I see their expressions, I am instantly full of fear. Shock runs through the majority of them causing me to wonder whether I have something on my face or in my hair. Maybe they just resent my presence?

'Hayden I'm Mr Jones and I hope you enjoy your experience here,'

His words say I will, his tone suggests I won't.

One more look, then I can be sure. I focus my attention on the front row where, to my utter bewilderment, a girl is under her desk fumbling around on the floor. I have to hold back a chuckle as I watch her struggle before finally leaning back and holding up a pen in satisfactory pride. She brushes the dark strands of hair from her face and focuses her attention on the class again. I avert my eyes to the floor quickly, not wanting her to get the wrong idea and think I was staring.

'Holy sh-' Someone hisses and I stifle a smile, feeling a little more relaxed now. I'm pretty sure Mr Jones is glaring at the girl of whom the profanities almost escaped from.

'For those of you who weren't listening,' Mr Jones directs his attention to the girl who had previously been fishing cluelessly under the table, 'this is Hayden. He'll be in this class from now so if you see him struggling, lend him a hand,'

A few nods but otherwise the students remain unresponsive, either ignoring him through boredom or lack of effort.

Mr Jones forces a smile in my direction. A gesture of which I do not return.

'How about you take a seat, any one will do,'

I scan the faces before I catch the eye of a boy sitting closer to the back. I would've probably chosen to sit with the girl at the front if there was space around her, since she looked like a kindly figure however the only seat on her left is occupied by her friend.

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