Chapter 39 - Rayna

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Before I start, I'm so sorry to those who read this chapter first instead of the last one. I accidentally posted this one instead of the last one so I know some people might be confused...I'm so sorry!



I walk into the house slowly, deflated by the day I had previously had. College had been long and difficult and I was struggling to stay awake by the time my last period had come around. It probably didn't help that I had to stay longer for a meeting with one of my teachers.

I lock the door behind me and place my bags in the corner to take up in a minute.

I enter the living room and almost jump out of my skin when I see Finn and Hayden discussing something with one another. They both look a little astounded to see me there themselves but greet me with waves.

'Hi,' I say and go to leave the room again before I'm called back.

'Hey Ray, stop one moment,' Finn says and I halt my movements, glancing between the two in confusion.


'We want to ask you something,'

I shoot them both an odd look but sit down beside Finn.

'Okay,' I say uncertainly.

The two boys look at one another, waiting for the other person to start speaking.

'Hayden spoke to his dad about a week ago about something,' Finn says slowly and I nod, waiting for him to continue. Instead, Hayden takes over the conversation.

'I was wondering whether you'd want to stay with me for a little while,' he blurts out and I feel my eyes widen a little bit, 'it'll be for about a month, my dad said it could be a change of scenery,'

I study them both as they look at me expectantly.

'Obviously it's your choice,' Finn chips in, 'and I spoke to my mum and she's okay with it as long as you are,'

'Are you sure? I mean I don't want to be a bother,'

'No one minds, it won't be for long but hopefully, you'll enjoy it anyway,'

'O-okay then,' I say. This has all happened very fast and I hope I'm not making a brash decision.

'I'll help you pack your things,' Finn says and helps me up, leading me up the stairs to my room.

He pulls out the suitcase I have under my bed and begins folding my clothes and placing them in. I stand there there for a moment before realising I should be helping.

I go to my shelves and pick up a few of my belongings before placing them back down.

'Can I leave some things here? I'll be coming back so surely I don't need everything,'

'That's fine, it's whatever you want,'

I thank him and join him taking my clothes out.

Once we have finally gathered everything I need, he stands up and hugs me.

'I know I'll still see you but it's going to be weird not having you around for a while,' he grins, 'I mean it's like you've become my little sister,'

I raise an eyebrow, 'little?'

'If we're judging on height then compared to me, you're the little sister,'

'Damn,' I form my hands into a fist as if defeated and we laugh together. Finn helps me carry my bag downstairs and we find Hayden waiting in the car. He smiles as we approach and starts the engine.

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