Chapter 6 - Hayden

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Rayna separates off from the two of us quite quickly, since she has a different class in another building. Mia, however, stays beside me.

'Are you in science next?' I question her and she nods enthusiastically.

'Yep, you're in my class as well! We were told last week,'

'Good,' I'm glad there's at least one person I know in the same class as me, that makes things just a little easier.

'Hey you'll sit next to me right?'

'If they let us then sure,'

'They will, there's no seating plan for this lesson,'

Sure enough she's right and the kindly teacher invites me to choose my own seat. Mia nudges the person next to her to move up a seat and they oblige willingly, she nods at me and I sit down. I thank the person by my side and they shrug, seemingly not caring either way.

The lesson appears to be quite laid back and aside from the occasional advisory comments from our teacher, we are left to our own devices. I look over at Mia who's staring at her book in concentration and nudge her shoulder lightly. She seems taken aback at first but then places down her pen and shoots me a questioning look.

'Why weren't you here earlier?'

She looks confused at first but then realises.

'Oh, I came in late because I wan't feeling the best this morning,'

'How come?'

'I don't know, I just had a headache,'

'Oh, well I'm glad you're better now,'

She looks down and blushes.

'Thank you,' She says.

I don't think she quite realises how effective it is when she glances up at me through her lashes. Her green eyes are so bright and kind and her hair falls into her face slightly, causing her to brush it away. She readily smiles, a distinct quality about her of which I have come to like and suddenly I am aware of something. I am staring at her, so entranced in a way I haven't been before. She's so beautiful and kind, everything about her is charming.

I haven't really communicated with Mia before but now that I am, I'm wanting to get closer to her, learn more about her.

She looks up at me again, innocence contained within her features and I can't help the smile that slips involuntarily to my lips.

'Hayden? Are you okay?' She asks and fiddles with the pen in her hand, twisting between her fingers in a complicated pattern.

'Um...yeah,' I swallow and glance down, considering my options before building up a surge of confidence. I smirk at her and lean to the side slightly, leaning my head in my hand, a classic attempt at trying to seem more confident then I actually am.

'Hey, you weren't there this morning when we were talking about it...what are your plans for the dance thing,'

'Oh yeah, eh I'll be going but I don't know if I'll be staying the whole time,'


'Would you really want to be the third wheel to Alexis and Finn?' She raises an eyebrow and I roll my eyes. I wouldn't either, with the two of them being as close and cuddly as they are. I haven't been here long and already I can't stand being around them for a long period of time.

'Yeah, you're right,' I say, 'does that mean you're going alone?'

'Mm, I was planning to go with a friend like Rayna but since she isn't going I can't,'

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