Chapter 9 - Rayna

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I have utterly no idea to where everyone is. I'm sat alone at the dinner table, a little confused, since I normally have at least one person around who I'm familiar with. It's making me feels nervous, as if everyone is staring at me, judging me for being alone. I feel so vulnerable and yet ashamed of myself for caring about what other people think.

I take out my notes for my next class and scan through them whilst I eat. I can't say they're doing any help and I lose concentration quickly, doodling in the corner of my paper rather then actually doing something related.

Where is everyone?

People sitting down at my table instantly alerts me and I slam my notebook shut. I begin to smile, assuming it's perhaps Finn and Alexis or Hayden but instead, I'm greeted to Alice and her friends. I feel my eyes widen at their appearance and I begin to pack my stuff away to leave them. They're all staring intently at me, not speaking nor making any attempt to interact with one another but it's making me feel extremely uncomfortable.

Just as a stand up, a rough hand yanks me back down. I try and pull away but it's too strong. I glance next to me and recognize Ben, a person well known in my year for being dangerous and unpredictable. Whilst I've never spoken to him before, it's been made apparent that he has a strong dislike for me since he frequently tells others apparently. Judging by the smirk on his face, he's aware he has full power right now.

'I hope you're not planning on going anywhere,' He growls but I don't respond. The two girls with him chuckle among themselves before directing their attention at me.

'Oh hey, Ray didn't know you were there,' Alice giggles, 'Mind if we join you for lunch?'

Considering the death grip Ben has on my wrist it appears I have no choice anyway.

'So,' Mel takes a bite of her pizza, 'Where's Hayden today then?'

'I-I don't know,' I say, I really want to go. These people hate me and Ben is seriously beginning to hurt me as his hand tightens even further.

'I knew it wouldn't be long before he realised he'd made a mistake by getting closer to you,'

'Why would it be a mistake?' I snap but regret my decision quickly as Ben kicks me harshly to get me to shut up. He isn't using his full force but it's enough to silence me.

'Because it's you,'

'You know,' Alice scans her nails as if deep in thought, 'I might consider letting you off if you avoid him,'

'And why would I do that?'

'Because Hayden and I are practically family,' She says, 'And I don't want my family having any involvement with you of all people,'

I am shocked. I know recently Alice has been trying to talk to Hayden on a number of occasions but I just assumed it was because she had a crush on him or something. I never suspected it's because they're family.

'Are you cousins or something?' I ask and she laughs again.

'No, of course not. He's my...step brother,'

'Seriously?' I ask, I'm a little sceptical since he hasn't mentioned anything about it before.

'Trust me Rayna, I think I would know my own family,' She smirks, 'I'm not like you,'

'What the hell is that supposed to mean,' I snap, trying to yank my arm away and almost succeeding.

'Oh come on, no one's stupid, where's your Dad, Ray?'

'You bitch!' I yell but she merely grins, knowing she's gained a reaction from me.

I tend to be a rather calm person but that was one subject that is avoided in discussions. No one speaks about him in my family including my brother whom learned after my mother yelling at him. Even when his name is mentioned, whether it's even him or not, my mum hates it. She'll walk away or demand the person to stop. It's the only time I ever see any sign of emotion for someone she cares about.

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