Chapter 25 - Rayna

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When Hayden takes my hand...I don't even know what to think. Obviously it's a friendly action, a way of congratulating through gestures rather then words but I wish he hadn't done it.

I hate the feeling. I hate it and it's messing with me in a way I don't want it to.

I look up at my work and try and feel happy for myself though it's a struggle. Every time someone comes up to look at it, I'll shrink away, fearing their criticisms.

After a while, I no longer want to stay there and I pull away from Hayden, indicating that I'm going to get a drink. He nods and I walk over to where jugs of water are set out on the table.

Not long after I settle myself into a corner in the room, I'm joined by Alano who shoots me a smile. He's such a kind person, it would be impossible to dislike him.

'Why aren't you with Hayden?' He asks, sitting down beside me and resting an arm on one of his knees. I stare at the glass in my hand, watching the cool water ripple slightly on the surface.

'I just wanted to get away for a minute,' I shoot him as genuine of a smile I can muster and he returns the gesture.

'Are you normally like this?'

'Like what?' I question, confused to what he's trying to indicate.

'So nervous? I saw how you looked whenever someone would come to look at your display,'

'Oh, no it's just more of a personal fear. These people are real artists, professional artists,' I sigh, 'I know I'm not up to their standards,'

'Honestly Rayna, I don't know why you're worrying. If you're work is being displayed, obviously it must be good. The thing is with art is that there are so many different styles, there aren't any right or wrong ways of doing it,'

I nod at him though I'm still reluctant to see these artists actually appreciate my scribbles.

'What may seem good to you can be seen as crap to another person and the other way around, you shouldn't beat yourself up for it because at the end of the day, it's the skill and effort that matters, not the age,' Alano stands up and helps me up with him.

'Thanks Alano,' I say. I think over his words and desperately hope they're true.

'It's no problem,' He grows uncomfortable all of a sudden before finally looking at me, 'I didn't want to say it in front of Hayden just in case he'd get angry but what are the two of you exactly? Like friends or...'

'Friends,' I confirm, 'nothing more,'

'But the hand holding thing...'

'Yep, that confused me too,' I sigh, 'he has a girlfriend called Mia,'

Alano rolls his eyes and smirks.

'You know, the two of you ought to be careful. You really did look like you were going out before,'

'Great,' I chuckle but inside I'm not laughing but instead I'm hopeful. I don't understand why but it leaves a sick feeling in my stomach. This can't end well, there's no way it can.

'If I'm being completely honest, I think Hayden's made the wrong choice,' Alano winks and laughs whilst I stand a little shocked before he signals me back over to Hayden.


Gradually I settle down and realise that the people here are actually very understanding and kind. I involve myself in a conversation with a few and my nerves are slowly dissolved into insignificant knots at the back of my mind.

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