Chapter 24 - Hayden

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Finn's expression is grim.

With it normally being so expressionless, it's a stark change and I'm concerned. I'm not the only one who has noticed and Alexis shoots me worried glances whilst Mia is beside me, completely unaware of Finn and instead talking rapidly about something nobody cares about.

I move away from her and she abruptly stops, looking insulted as I instead position myself beside Finn.

'What's the matter?' I ask him and Alexis takes his hand, offering some support.

'We have a problem,' He sighs, 'A big problem,'

'Which is?'

'Rayna's getting kicked out of her home, on her birthday,'

Shock passes through me but I dismiss it, wanting to know the facts before I make assumptions.

'For what?'

'I don't know, she gave me a call last night saying her mum wanted her out of the house, permanently, and she was really scared, my parents said she could stay at mine but this must be so hard on her,'

He looks exasperated, and I know he's worried for Rayna. I feel the exact same.

I always knew she never had a good relationship with her mother and yet I never expected this. Never expected her to throw her own daughter out whilst she doesn't have a clue of where to go.

I'm a little hurt myself, hurt that Rayna didn't approach me about this. Doesn't she trust me? I know it's selfish of me to think this, especially whilst she's struggling with her family, but I can't help but wonder why she doesn't want me to know.

'I can't believe it...' Alexis says, her eyes widening as she raises a hand to her mouth.

'Why didn't she call me?' I ask and then wince, not meaning for the words to escape my lips or at least not to sound as harsh as they did.

Finn half glares at me before staring off at the floor again.

'She did,' He says simply and I frown.

'No she didn't. I have no missed calls or messages from anyone,'

I stare at him, utterly confused and now feeling a little bad about my selfish thoughts earlier.

'She tried to ring you before she rang me. I think she just wanted someone to talk to,'

'Damn it!' I cry and try to calm myself down. Now I'm angry with myself that I wasn't there when she actually needed it.

'Calm down, Hayden,' Alexis smiles, 'you can speak to her today,'

'She needed me yesterday,' I say softly.

'It's okay, it wasn't your fault but you'll have to get your phone sorted out,'

It's completely by chance that Rayna walks up to us and stands beside me in the circle. From the corner of my eye I can see Mia shooting her harsh glares but I ignore them, she's jealous of everyone.

Everyone looks around nervously, avoiding her eye contact and hoping that she didn't overhear us talking about her. I can't even look at her due to guilt, all I want is to rewind time and be there when she actually needed me.

'Morning,' She says. Her voice is flat but I don't think anyone blames her for it. I go to give her a hug before I'm beaten to it. Instead, Mia places both of her hands on Rayna's shoulder and begins to sooth her.

'Don't worry, Ray,' She says, 'We've all been told and we'll look after you,'

The discomfort is written all over Rayna's expression and she appears relieved when Mia finally pulls away and steps backward. I lean forward again and hug her as tightly as I can possibly manage, squeezing my eyes shut and making the most of this moment.

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