Chapter 16 - Hayden

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My nerves are unexplainable as I knock onto Mia's house; a small and simple semi located down the road from our school. Since I haven't got much experience of this, I don't really know what I'm doing.

It's the dance tonight and I've never been more particular about anything in my life. Everything has to be perfect.

It only takes a minute of biting my lip and shuffling around before she opens the door and I struggle to find words for the sight before me. She's in a knee length navy dress with silver straps and a belt. On her feet are dainty sliver heels, her hair decorated with silver accessories. Her make up makes her bright green eyes stand out even more and she looks so pretty, I struggle to even tell her this. She giggles at my reaction, obviously knowing it's positive and waves her mum goodbye before stepping out of her house.

'Well aren't you handsome?' She states, kissing me gently on the cheek to which I blush.

'You look lovely,' I say, earning a delighted smile in response. I hold out my arm and she takes it, walking beside me at a slow pace. Since her house is so close to the school we agreed that walking there is probably better then getting a car to drive us down the road, I prefer this anyway. It's peaceful and gives me time to adjust before we enter the building.

It's nice to walk beside her even if it is quiet. Never did I expect to be in this position.

'You nervous?' She asks as we near the gates and I nod slowly.

'Very nervous,' I admit.

To be honest, I don't fully understand why. I know Mia and she's my friend so why am I freaking out about a stupid dance with her? I suppose it's because this day could change everything between us and I don't want to mess anything up. This could either start something new, or end something that was never there. I am praying it isn't the second one.

'what about you?' I ask eventually and she smiles.

'Not too bad actually,'

This makes me feel significantly worse but I try to shake my bad thoughts off.

Once we reach the doors of the hall, she lets go of my arm and instead laces her fingers between my own. I hand our tickets to the lady at the desk who nods us in and we push open the doors together.

I am in shock as we enter the room with it being almost full, people invading every space of the hall and laughing in pre-organised groups.

It takes us a minute to seek out the two friends we decide to stick with throughout this and join Finn and Alexis in the corner who are sipping bottles of coke. We greet them and the two girls begin hugging, speaking at an incredible speed even though they had only seen one another a few hours earlier.

I see the look of distaste Finn shoots at Mia but promptly ignore it, not wanting to start an argument here of all places. Instead I smile at him in greeting and pull Mia closer to my side. Alexis sees this and shoots me a wink, smoothing out her own dress nonchalantly straight after.

'Mia you look gorgeous,' She comments and Mia flushes.

'Thank you, you do too,'

Alexis simply strikes a pose that the rest of us laugh at. I feel so happy with these friends as if I belong, I'm actually laughing along with them and they include me in whatever. It's a definite confidence boost.

'We've almost got the whole group here,' I laugh, 'Just a shame that Rayna didn't want to come,'

Suddenly they all go silent and exchange nervous glances.

'What?' I say, warning present in my voice. Alexis nods at Finn to explain and he looks up to meet my gaze.

'Um, the whole group is here,' He says but I shake my head.

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