Chapter 32 - Hayden

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Once we approach, both Rayna and Finn are silent. The air is smothered with unwanted tension so I try to ease it as best as I can.

'Hello!' I smile and Mia follows suit with a short welcome.

I look at Rayna, and then behind me for some odd reason because I thought she'd walked with us this morning. It's almost as if I think she may appear beside me even though I know she won't.

'Hi,' Finn smiles as best as he can and then shuffles nervously. Since when did we all become so awkward around one another? We're meant to be friends, it shouldn't be like this.

'Where's Alexis?' I question. Alexis has always been the person to forge a conversation out of anything. If she had been here, I doubt there would be any silences.

'She's not feeling too good so she stayed off,'

He rolls his eyes as he says there, obviously not believing this excuse. Alexis does this a lot and it isn't rare for her to avoid showing up and using the excuse that she's ill.

'I hope she's alright,' Mia says and brings a hand up to push her hair out of the way, 'perhaps we should pay her a visit just in case,' She then continues, directing her attention at me.

'You can come with me then, Mia,' He pulls a sly smile, 'I'll be stopping by so you might as well come with me,'

She glances up at me in nervousness. It's obvious she doesn't want to go with Finn.

'Hayden you'll come to r-'

'Hayden's going to be busy,'

'Doing what?'

'A club,' He nods at me to confirm but all I do is shrug, no way am I getting dragged into the middle of this. Mia seems to take this as an acceptance to Finn's statement and shakes her head in frustration.

'It doesn't matter, I'll send a message to her later,'

'Oh, give up because you don't want to spend you time with me-'

'Finn,' I snap, interrupting him mid sentence. I don't want either of them to argue with one another and he seems to gather this, smoothing out his scowl and taking a step back to stand by Rayna once again. He instinctively places an arm around her shoulders and I flinch a little.

I glance between the two of them with a glare and Finn notices and raises an eyebrow in questioning.

'Aren't you supposed to be with Alexis?' I accuse. I have no idea why I'm so angry at him but I know I am.

'Yes?' He stares at me for a minute in confusion, 'why?'

'Then why are you getting so close to Rayna?' I snap at him. He seems amused, a smile resting easily on his face whilst Rayna is astonished.

'Why, what's your problem?' He laughs and I feel my cheeks burn a little.

'Absolutely nothing. I just think it's weird how you act like this with Rayna when you have a girlfriend,'

I flick my gaze back to Rayna who looks absolutely miserable to be stuck in this situation. I feel a little bad for bringing it up but still don't want to back down.

'Hayden, the two of us,' He indicates to himself and Rayna, 'we've been friends for a little while. This right here is friendly interaction so there's no need to get jealous,'

'Jealous?!' Mia splutters beside me, stealing the words from my mouth. I stare at them equally shocked and Rayna looks away in nervousness, hitting Finn's arm lightly.

'I'm not jealous,' I defend myself.

'Whatever,' Finn chuckles.

'I mean it, I don't like Rayna like that. Not at all,'

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