Chapter 41 - Rayna

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The days have crept up way too fast for me to even comprehend. Every hour seems to be shortened, ultimately meaning I feel as though I haven't got any more time to spend with Hayden.

Now I'm helping his family clean their house on the day of their move. I don't even feel like I'm in my own body as if someone's controlling me like a puppet on strings. Only my strings have snapped and I'm now lying deflated and defeated on the ground.

I know I'm not the only one feeling the brunt of this sudden decision. Hayden's stayed out of the way today, preferring to tidy his own room though I know it's only so he can avoid everyone else.

I wish he wouldn't, I'm assuming that he thinks I'm angry at him thought I'm not. I don't blame him for this, I don't even blame his dad, it's a good offer for him.

It doesn't mean I wish them gone and I desperately hope that there's some tiny chance that the family have to pull out of the offer. I know this won't happen however so I dismiss this thought quickly.

I just wish Hayden would come and speak to me, I'd been really hoping we could spend the day together considering I probably won't be seeing him for a while.

I move a box from the table to the floor and wipe my hands on the old pants I'm wearing. As I do this, Kyra flits through the door and shoots me a grin.

'Wow, you've done a good job in here, dad will be impressed,' she says.

'Thanks Kyra, it's the least I could do to thank you for letting me stay,'

'Don't be silly, we loved you being here. You didn't have to do anything,' she laughs and I smile back. Kyra is such a lovely person, so genuine and kind. She's everything I strive to be.

'Has Hayden come out yet?' I ask her and she frowns.

'You haven't seen him yet?'

'No, last time I knocked on his door her said he was busy,'

She groans.

'He's in one of his stupid moods, I'll go speak to him now,' she says and I thank her before grabbing a cloth and wiping down the table beside me.

Once I feel like it's been cleaned up to a sufficient standard, I find Kevin in the shed sorting out tools.

It takes him a moment to notice me but when he does, he smiles warmly at me.

'Hiya Rayna, you alright there, love?'

'Yep, I've sorted out the kitchen as best as I can, is there anything else you'd like me to do?'

He tilts his head back for a moment, thinking. He finally shrugs.

'I think we've pretty much got everything sorted then now so not really. How about you go and find Hayden and spend some time together?'

I grimace and pull at a fixed screw in the wooden wall of the shed.

'I don't know if Hayden actually wants to see me, he's been avoiding me all day,'

'Oh don't be silly, he's probably just a little stressed at this moment in time. Just go and give him a hug and I'm sure he'll be fine,'

I nod and thank him, leaving the shed so he can work in peace. I do plan to find Hayden a little later but for the moment, I don't want to bother him if he's busy.

However, this decision if pushed to the side as I run into him in the living room. He looks down at me with wide eyes but then he grins and all my concerns are pushed to the side.

'Come on,' he says, taking my hand, 'let's go find Finn and Alice,'

The two of them have been helping clear the house as well and though I had asked both Alexis and Mia, both had refused for obvious reasons.

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