Chapter 34 - Hayden

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There's a clear divide between friendliness and romantic affection and I'm pretty certain, in this moment, that line is being crossed.

Everything about her is enhanced from the feeling of her dark locks curling round the tips of my fingers to her soft, distinct scent of coconut. Her skin, rough to touch in areas of blemish and the calloused hands eventually lacing with my own. It all makes it so much more real causing the moment to become even more perfect as a result.

And her eyes. For the brief second before she closes them, I am engulfed with greenery, with nature. She is an evergreen tree, facing the harsh weather around her with pride and standing tall, bright amongst her dull surroundings.

But then time returns to its usual pace, slowing from the easier race of seconds, each one seemingly halfing in time. The door opens and I yank apart from the wide eyed girl who is my best friend, not my girlfriend nor any sort of lover.

As I see Mia stood at the door with one hand glued to the wall as if steadying herself, I realise that this is possibly one of the worst things I could've done. For the briefest second, everyone is paused and I wonder if perhaps there might be a way to go back and erase my actions. But then Mia takes a step forward and everything spirals downhill.

She barely even looks at me to begin with, and focuses all of her burning anger on Rayna who doesn't even look like she's recovered properly yet.

She thrusts a hand into Rayna's shoulder, shoving her backwards. A pure look of hatred is embedded into her eyes as she begins to speak in a low, dangerous tone which could terrify anyone.

'You-' She says shakily before initiating another shove, 'You lying, thieving bitch,'

Rayna only stares at her with wide eyes, unable to move, unable to speak.

'You can't handle someone else having more then you,' She continues, 'you always have to have what others have, in this case it being my boyfriend,' She doesn't remove her gaze from the other girl and her next words are made of burning venom.

'I hate you,' She says, 'Ever since I first had to deal with you, I've hated you. Who the hell did you think spread those rumours about you?"

A twisted smile rests on her lips, though she's now also crying.

'Mia I-' Rayna tries to say.

'Shut the hell up,' Mia rests a hand on her head for a moment, trying to steady her breathing before turning back to her, 'I'm honestly not surprised your mum wanted you out the house. I wouldn't want a kid like you anywhere near me,'

I watch as something clicks in Rayna's eyes and I know how defensive she becomes when people mention her family.

'Don't say a word about a situation that you are not involved with,' She growls. I know Rayna wouldn't ever hurt Mia but judging from her stance it looks like she honestly wants to.

'I'm not surprised he doesn't like you either,' without looking at me, she points in my direction and this instantly halts whatever confidence Rayna had been gaining.

'What do you mean?' She asks quietly.

'You actually think he likes you?' She laughs harshly without humour but rather hatred.

'Y-yeah,' she says uncertainly.

'Think again, Ray. He feels sorry for you. You're a pathetic mess with family problems. Your dad is...wherever the hell he is and your mum obviously doesn't give a shit about you. As for Evander, he'll forget you, he won't remember his sad excuse for a sister, lucky him,' A harsh grin rests on her lips, 'they all hate you. We've had to put up with you and your moaning for god knows how long and we're all sick of it. Go home and don't come around any of us again,'

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