Chapter 31 - Rayna

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I fold the last piece of clothing and hold it in my lap for a moment, staring at the coloured fabric as if it's a distraction. Finally I place it with the others, neatly arranged in draws where they belong. I glance back towards my bag, surprised to see something else stowed away in my suitcase, and I gently pull it out. I simply stare at the familiar shirt in my grasp, without a word, without a thought.

The familiar cartoon characters painted to the front of the large tee shirt that Evander often wears. It's always been more like a dress on him, and yet he prances about, proud of the way he looks when doing so. It's always been amusing but it's an iconic item of clothing for Evander and is definitely one I associate with him.

It's as if he's with me now, an image of him running round the room with excitement, a curious look in his eye as he takes advantage of the new environment. He'd grab the shirt off me and slip in on before strutting around and grinning widely.

'You just wish you could fit into this top,' He'd stick out his tongue and I'd roll my eyes, fond of his childish antics.

'I probably can, Ev. It's massive on you,' I'd laugh. In this moment, the illusion seems so real, I laugh along myself with him right beside me. Everything is okay, I'm back home, my little brother is here and we're having a good time.

Until I blink and realise he's not here.

I'm still holding the shirt, he hasn't taken it off me and I'm alone. No green eyed child is beside me, giggling, holding my hand, hugging me.

I sit down and bury my face into his top, desperately begging my eyes not to water. I must stay in this position for five minutes, doing nothing but trying to clear my mind, forget it at least for now. It will only return later at night, when my thoughts are free to wander without any specific path or boundary.

Once I finally come to again, I fold the tee shirt and put it away with my own, right on top where I'll see it every day. Right as I do this, I see the two parcels sitting ignored on the top of the wardrobe, and I hesitate before taking them down.

I gently set them on my bed and merely stare at them for a moment, a silent minute to reflect on my thoughts before having them flooded again.

The first one has two notes taped to the top, side by side. I see that the one positioned on the left is, obviously, from Hayden and I peel it open, scattering the envelope onto my bed without a second glance.

I scan my eyes over his neat writing before properly paying attention, reading each word in depth.

Rayna, I know this has been so hard for you and, honestly, all I want to do is be there for you. I hate that you'll be spending your birthday like this and I hope that you'll still want to celebrate it when things get a little easier. Because they will.

As much as I want to write 'I hope you have a great birthday', I know you won't be able to so instead I'll send you a huge air hug and leave you to open your present. You're amazing, please don't forget that.


I nod to myself slowly, for no apparent reason and giggle weakly at his air hug comment. For some reason, it makes me feel warmth as if I am truly receiving it.

I then pay attention to the letter on the right and hastily scan it through as well. I don't recognise the handwriting until the sender has signed their name, and when I do, I am filled with so much compassion and pride mixed with a slight trickle of sadness.

Because it's from Evander.


Happy Birthday! Wow you are so old, grandma. Slow down so I can be as big as you. Haddy is letting me help with your present and with this card too. Look, I'm writing properly! He even checked the spelling for me so if it's wrong, blame the nerd. No I'm not the nerd, Haddy is the nerd.

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