Chapter 27 - Rayna

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Okay I'm praying this works now and if you're seeing this then thankfully it has! I'm so sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoy this chapter!



'Rayna,' Her voice calls me and it grates on my nerves. I can't even stand to look at her and she knows it's her own fault. I've left behind the respect I had for my mother and have now replaced it with dislike for the woman who seems to lack emotions, 'Rayna, someone's at the door for you,'

She doesn't dare step into my room and remains outside, we haven't interacted since her confession and I'm pretty sure she's okay with that revelation.

'Send them up,' I say without expression and I hear the loud tap of her heels as she walks away. Moments later, the door opens and Finn enters, softly shutting the door behind him.


'I didn't expect you to be here, hello,'

'Yeah well I thought I'd stop round so we could start moving some of your things house, just so we have a lighter load on the day'

My heart drops at this, reminding me that I am no longer welcome in my mother's house but I push back my thoughts and nod weakly at Finn, who shoots me a questioning look.

I duck under my bed to pull out a suitcase that will hold the items I know I won't need for a little while. I throw in a small assortment of clothes, my books and a few other bits and pieces I can live without for a few days before zipping the whole thing shut and scanning the room for anything else.

It's unlucky for me that Evander walks in just as I've pulled my bag off my bed. His easy smile slips straight from his face and he flicks his gaze to the bag and back at me.

'Where are you going? He frowns and I see Finn's eyes widen, realising I haven't told him yet. He motions that he's going to leave and I silently thank him for this.

I look back down at Evander and take his hand, sitting him down on the bed.

'Are you going on holiday?' He presses, relief spreading his features until I shame my head.

'Then where are you going?'

This is it. I can't hide it anymore, I have to tell him what's going on even if it is difficult. But damn this is so difficult, this is the kid I have practically raised, someone I've been for when my mother wasn't around and the last thing I want to do is hurt him.

But I can't lie to him, I could never.

'Evander I-' I stumble over my words, nervousness completely filling me, 'I'm having to move out,'

The only reaction I notice at first is the clench of his hands and the slight gasp emitted. But then it all hits him like a brick.

He stands up and backs away from me slowly, every step like a stab in my already cracked heart.

'Why are you leaving me?' He asks and the way he says it hurts. His voice is accusatory, laced with so many emotions it's difficult to pin point them all. It's almost as if he thinks I have a choice in the matter.

'I don't want to,' I cry, begging that he'll listen to me.

'Then why are you going?'

'Mother wants me out by my 18th, Ev. She doesn't want me here anymore,'

'Why can't you just hide,' He says and he begins to cry, making this all the more harder. It's rare to ever see Evander cry, he's always such a happy kid, so full of energy and life so I can barely even look at him in this moment.

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