Chapter 14 - Hayden

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I reach the front door and unlock it, leaving the keys so that Kyra can take them on her way past. I throw my bags down head straight for the kitchen where I figure I can find something to satisfy my hunger needs. I'm almost given a heart attack when I see my dad sat bolt upright on one of the bar stools, flicking through something.

His eyes raise to meet my own and he stands, his frown deepening. Ever since I yelled at Anna and Alice, he's been trying to get me to apologise and without success therefore resulting in me staying upstairs and out of his way. I hadn't expected him to be home today and now consider just bolting it upstairs.

'Have fun at...Finn's was it?' He questions gruffly.


I fumble through the cupboards, craving something sweet. I might as well get food whilst I'm in here.


'What?' I turn to face him and notice, for the first time, that my bag is in the corner of the room. Not only that but it's been opened and looks emptier then before however I shrug it off. At first I think it's because I may have subconsciously taken some books upstairs, but then I see what my dad is holding.

Rayna's sketchbook. The very thing she told me not to show anyone.

'What are you doing with that!' I snap and lunge forwards to grab it but he takes a hold of it, keeping it out of reach, 'Why have you been through my bag!'

'It was poking out, so I decided to take a look. You've never shown me your drawings before,'

'Then you could have asked, now give it back!' I demand. He still doesn't.

'Was this the sketchbook you told me to get you the other day?' He asks and I nod slowly, scowl still fixed to my face, 'Hayden, these drawings are incredible,'

I roll my eyes, knowing full well that they are in fact Rayna's, not mine. Everyday she draws something in it and then I take it home to look at them.

'I know they are,' I say.

'Yes, I'm glad you think so too,'

'It's just a shame that they aren't mine,'

His head snaps up and he looks me in the eye carefully.


'I know I said it was for me but really it was meant for a friend. She needed it more then I did,'

I walk towards my bag and delve into the thin pocket hidden in the back. I pull my own drawing book out of there and throw it at him. He catches it easily, in one hand.

'This is mine,' I say.

He flicks through the pages and I sit myself down across from him, reminding myself that this is - in fact - the first time my dad has seen any of my drawings. I never really had interest nor time to show him and my mum was always the one to judge my art. Whilst my dad was actually involved in the art industry, my mum did it for the amusement and the two of us would work on my sketches together.

'Hayden...I-I don't know what to say,'

'I don't care if you think they're crap,' I huff but he shakes his head, placing Rayna's and my work beside one another on the table, side by side.

'These are amazing. I would've never expected this, they're come you never showed me?'

'You were always busy,' I state simply though I know I'm not being fair. My dad might work a lot and spends long hours doing what he does but when he does get free time, he'll spend it with Kyra and I. Or tries to anyway.

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