Not a chapter. :/

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Hey guys. Super sorry, but there won't be a chapter this week. :(

I'm not like planning something huge for the next chapter that'll take a long time to write, I'm just running low on creativity. Look at this chart.


| | <(•_•<) this is my normal creativity level.

|~~| <(•_•<) this is my current creativity level.

So I'm very sorry to say no chapter this week. I wish I could write, I just can't right now. School's getting harder, I've been super distracted by a lot of thing lately, and I can't think straight. I also think for the next couple of chapters, they'll be more fillers, and they'll probably suck, so I'm warning you, but then the story will pick up. I hope.

Sorry again guys. Hey, maybe tomorrow I'll get a random spark of inspiration and there'll be a chapter after all!

I'll see you guys next week, I guess.



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