The Last Day

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I sat on the edge of my bed, counting down the minutes until we left for the airport.

Mom, Matt, and Lexii we're saying goodbye to me at the house because Mom was already crying and Lexii wasn't doing well either so they asked Damon to drive me to the airport.

My phone buzzed and I saw a new text message from Phil. We'd been talking ever since Playlist, and we'd become pretty good friends.

Stella! good luck in New York! Don't forget to Skype me and Dan!

I smiled and replied.

Thanks Phil, I won't dont worry. :)

Soon after I set my phone down my phone buzzed again. This time it was a text from Dan.

Have fun in NYC, but don't forget us bc that would suck.

I laughed and replied to Dan.

Haha I will, and how could I forget you when you're always on my tumblr and YouTube feed??

I texted both of them back and forth until Mom came up to say bye. She cried and I have her a reassuring hug, grabbed the three bags I was taking with me on the plane, and headed downstairs.

Lexii almost tackled me in a hug when I reached the bottom. I hugged her back and walked out to put my stuff in Damon's car.

Matt was out there and helped me load it in the trunk.

When he closed the trunk, he turned and gave me a hug. I hugged him back.

"Thanks for being a great dad, Matt." I said.

"Anytime Stella, anytime." We broke away and Damon stood by the drivers seat.

"Ready to go?" He said quiet and sad. I nodded, afraid to speak because I might've cried of I had. I climbed into the passenger seat and waved to everyone as we drove away.

The drive was silent except for the radio.

Unloading the car was silent except for the slamming of car doors and talking of people around us.

We were silent until we got to the terminal.

"So I, I guess this is it." Damon said quietly.

"I guess it is." I said, just as quiet. I set down my carry on and threw my arms around him. He wrapped his around me and we stood there for a long time, just holding each other.

"Flight 149 to New York City is now boarding." A loud voice boomed over the intercom.

"That's me." I said, picking up my bag. As I stood, Damon pulled me in for one last kiss. I can't describe the way the kiss felt like I can the other kisses we've shared, but this one was different, somewhat sad.

We broke away as they made the last call for my flight.

"Goodbye Damon. Don't lose touch, ok?" I said, grabbing his hand. He nodded. I hugged him one last time and turned to board the plane. Before I stepped into the terminal. I turned and waved at Damon and he waved back.

I found my seat and sat. Only then did I let myself cry. I cried because I was leaving all I had ever known. I was excited, but also scarred. I didn't know what would happen.

I'd just have to wait and see.

As the plane took off, I dried my tears and sat up straight. I'd miss everyone, but I had to start over. I had to just dive in head first and go for it.

As my town faded away, I lifted my head. It'd be a huge change, but I knew it'd all be ok. I'd do my best for everyone I left. I thought about all the fun I'd have and all I would experience.

And I smiled.


Oh no hear come the tears.

The last chapter is going to be up tomorrow and I might cry hold me.

See you tomorrow.

Until next time



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