Im so sorry guys

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Hi everybody. Not a chapter, sorry.

I feel like I should tell you somethings seeing as even though I haven't updated in a long time and all of you, if not more, are still here.

There's normally a reason behind me not updating. Sometimes I'm just too busy with school and everything else in life to do it. Other times, and more recently, it's because thing get bad.

I trust you guys so I'm going to just flat out say it.

I struggle with depression and anxiety. It's gotten better recently, but I have my days. It hasn't been well lately. With all the stress I'm under from school, parents, and everything else, in my free time I basically listen to music trying to feel better. I let it control my life again. I hate that. It's stopped me from doing loads of things.

From this day forth, I'm not going to let it take over me. I'm going to start getting more involved in the stuff I do, WattPad, YouTube, things like that. I'm going to ask you guys to do me a favor, I want you to hold me to this if it's not too much trouble for you. It'd help a lot.

One last thing, if you EVER feel bad about yourself or depressed or anxious or anything like that, my inbox is ALWAYS open. I'll always reply. It might not be right away, but I'll reply, I promise. Always remember if it feels like no one else does, I care, I'm here for you, and I love you.

Thank you guys for sticking around. You have no idea how much that means to me. I promise I'll update soon.

Love you guys. <3


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