Matt and Road Trips

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"Stella what the heck are you doing?" Matt asked staring at me laying on the couch.

"Merph" I groaned into the pillows.

Matt sat at the end of the couch.

"What's up Stella?"

I rolled around to face the ceiling.

"I got a call yesterday. I got accepted into Ms.Jamie's School of Beauty in New York."

"That's great!" Matt exclaimed.

"No, it's not." I said, sighing.

"Why not?" He asked, confused.

"Well, everyone that I love is here. My friends, my family. I can't even imagine leaving."

Matt sat there for a minute in thought, then opened his mouth.

"Well Stella, there really isn't much I can so to help, but whatever you do, I'm sure everyone will support you." He said. I sat up and smiled.

"Thanks, I guess you're right."

"Yeah I am. And I'm sure you'll make the right choice too." He said.


"No problem." He said. Matt started to get up and as he left I said something I'd wanted to say for a while.

"You're better than my real dad. By a lot."

He stopped and turned around and gave me a small smile.

"Most people are, Stella."

"No, I mean you're a way better dad."

His smile got a bit bigger and he nodded.

"You deserve better than what you had to grow up with." And with that, he left the room.

I sat on the couch for a few more minutes thinking. Suddenly I knew what I had to do.

I ran up to my room and grabbed my phone off the charger.

I dialed a number and pressed call. I rang three times, then picked up.


"Damon? There's something I need

to tell you."


I decided to go to Ms.Jamie's. I called Damon and told him. Then I talked to my mom and I told her I think I need to move to New York a while before school starts to get to know the city and get settled in. She agreed.

We picked an apartment and decided I'd leave in three weeks.

I called my only friends, Lexii and Damon. Lexii said she couldn't believe that I was moving and not taking her.

We decided I would stay with her for a whole day to say goodbye.

Damon sounded sad but said he was glad I got to pursue my dream.



"ROAD TRIP!!" I screamed as I jumped into Damon's car to drive to Playlist.

"Whoo!" Damon yelled back, backing his car out of my drive way.

The first hour in the car we talked and screamed the lyrics to random songs at the top of our lungs. The next hour, it was pretty quite for except the music.

I turned it down and looked at Damon.

"Why are you so quite?" I asked.

"I just- I'm trying to figure out how to tell you something." He said, a distant look in his eyes. I tilted my head and leaned a bit closer to him.

"What is it?"

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

"The week that you're moving to New York, I'm, I'm moving to California."

I looked at him for a minute and we sat in silence.

"I um, I guess it's a good thing that we're both leaving right?" I said. He looked over at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we all know that long distance relationships don't work. Despite every fairy tail and fanfic where the two lovers move and they still stay happily together, we all know that's not true. At least one of us isn't, you know, stuck here. With all of these memories. We can go see new things and not be stuck dwelling on the past."

Damon nodded. I could tell that we both knew that in about three weeks, we would be no more. I sighed.

"But, let's not think about that now. Let's just enjoy these last three weeks we have, okay?" I grabbed one of his hands and he intertwined his fingers with mine.

He nodded and gave a small smile, which I returned.

That's how we road the rest of the way to Playlist, fingers intertwined and smiling.


I'm so sad right now guys there's not many chapters left for this story. :(

But let's enjoy these last chapters. :)

I feel really bad bc last night I had a huge freak out panic attack thing (it's been forever since I've freaked out like I did, saying I'm a horrible person and that I don't deserve anything I've got and that I'm not really good enough) and I treated my friend like a piece of crap because I felt bad and I still feel really bad and I probably never will stop feeling bad haha because all she did was try to help me and say that I'm the best person she knows but I was a total swearword about it.

Idk why I'm sharing this I just felt like I should've. I'm not sure why. Maybe I just trust you guys idk.

Anyway, I'll stop talking about all that so you don't just leave this chapter thinking about only that haha.

I've written the ending to this story already and it made me cry idk how I'll upload it honestly.

I'm gonna go guys and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. :)

Until next time



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