Chapter 22: The Chamber

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The Chamber... I'm here!

    Water puddled on the ground as my steps echoed. Ahead of me is a statue of some sort, slightly green from weathering and age.

   "Well, didn't expect you to show up." I jumped and turned around, seeing a boy about 17 smiling at me.

"Who are-" "Its not polite to ask questions Jasper." I glared at him. Who does he think he is?

   "Now. Do you know-" He stopped talking when I rolled my eyes and walked away from him.

   "Where are you going?" he asked. I could feel him behind me but I didn't turn around. My focus was on the statue. I got a bad feeling about it. Something isn't right here.

   "Away from you."

He appeared in front of me. I stopped and my eyes widened as he narrowed his  at me, angry that I didn't give him my attention.

"Are you a friend of Ginny Weasley?" He asked. This made me stop in my tracks.

    Ginny? Cute little Ginny?

  "I wouldn't call us friends but I know her." I said, my suspicion rising. "Isn't she the youngest sibling of one of the boys who hearts you play with?" He smiled as my eyes widened before narrowing.

       "Yes." I answered, holding back tears and flames of anger. I dont play with Fred's heart I just... I don't..

   "Mmm." He smiled before stepping to the side. Behind him, Ginny laid on the floor. She appeared to be asleep. God I hope she's only asleep.

   "Ginny!" I yelled and ran to her. Her crimson hair was sprawled out beautifully and I touched her wrist, looking for a pulse, found.

    I stood up to yell at whoever was just there but he disappeared. I heard footsteps and looked around as the sound echoed around me.

     Then I heard it.

   "Ginny!" Harry.

      He ran over to us and looked at her small body. He looked up at me but shook his head and looked back at her.

    The boy from earlier reappered and explained that his name is Tom Riddle some diary belonged to him and that he had contact with Ginny through and that he-

     "You did what?!" I growled. "You can't just hypnotize someone!"
I stepped toward him. How dare he harm such a young, innocent girl?!

    "Calm down Jasper. If you knew who I was you would know not to yell at me." he laughed stepping back. He began to write out his name with his wand, with a flick of a wrist the letters rearranged themselves.

    'I am Lord Voldemort'

I covered my mouth in shock, so did Harry. A kind of fire lit in Harrus green orbs as he starred at the ghostly, young Tom Riddle. The young version of Voldemort stood infront or us, sucking the life out of innocent Ginny Weasley as we speak.

    I starred at Ginny, blocking out Harry and Tom's conversation. Her red hair reminded me of Fred so much, and the calm expression of her face reminded me of Draco's when he was asleep. You could tell she was fiery just by looking at her. I remembered living with her for a while, she's family in a way.

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