Chapter 6: Fireworks

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Chapter 6: FireWorks

Fred's POV

The Streets of Diagon alley were still crowed, and people kept bumping into us. Everyonce in a while, someone would come up and talk to Jasper and ask if she was really Dumbledors granddaughter, but Jasper seemed distracted by something. And every now and then she would smirk over who knows what.

"What do you think is up with her?" I whispered to George. "I don't know mate..."he replied. After coming up with out an explanation, I sighed in defeat.

"There they are!" George yelled. I looked to where he pointed and saw a familiar group with fiery red hair.

"Come on Jasper." I grabbed her hand and pulled her along.

When we got to them, Dumbledor looked apologetic. "I'm sorry Jasper, I forgot...Happy 14th Birthday!" He said happily. "OMG I forgot too!! Thank you!" Jasper said and she hugged him.

I stood in shock. Today was her birthday? Now I feel terrible. "George, come here." I whispered. He walked over to me. "I didn't know it was her birthday...I have an idea." I said. We walked away from the family.

"What if we do a big firework show tonight? A really big one?" I said. "Yeah, but isn't today Nikki's too?" George asked. "No, hers was yesterday. Their like 12 hours apart or something." I said. "We gotta do something for her too...maybe we could have a big Quittich game? Hermione was telling her about it and she got pretty excited. We could have a family game." I said. "That's brilliant!"George basiclly yelled.

"What's Brilliant? You boys better not be up to anything with out me!" Jasper said walking up to us. "We aren't." Me and George said at the same time. Jasper raised her eyebrow in suspicion, but then grabbed the back of our shirt collars.

"Come on, we're leaving." She said and dragged us back to the family.

Me and George gave each other a look and he mouthed "that was close" I nodded and continued to follow Jasper.

When we got to the family, mum was telling everyone how we were getting back. I felt someone lean on my shoulder and looked over to see Jasper leaning slightly on me. I couldn't help but smile brightly. I started at her in awe. She was just so damn beautiful. Does she know I like her? She said yes to coming to Hogsmede and hanging out sometime but what if she just thinks I'm being friendly?

But whatever. It doesn't matter right now. All that matters is Jasper and Nikki are going to get the best birthday presents ever.



Fred's POV

"All right! Everyone line up! Remeber this is for amazing Nikki's birthday! Who wants to be first captain?" I said as the family, apart from mum, Hermione, and Percy, lined up.

"Me!" George yelled. "Alright I'll be Second." I said with a smile.

The teams were formed. On George's team, was George as a beater,Harry as the seeker, Nikki as a chaser, and Ron as a keeper. And my team was Me as a beater, Jasper as seeker, Ginny as chaser, and Dad as keeper. Dumbledor decided to referee.

The game started and I couldn't believe how well of a seeker Jasper was, I'd say her and Harry were a very close match, Harry's broom was probably the main difference. And Jasper was a little more aggressive.

The teams were tied at 80 points, and Harry and Jasper were getting really competitive. They were soaring through the air, side by side after the snitch. Everyone watched as they did spins and flips in the air.

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