Chapter 13: Another Complication

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Chapter 13: Another Complication

Jasper's POV

A smile was still spread on my plump lips as I walked out of the Great Hall. I might not have got Draco to ask me out, but I sure as hell made an impression. I felt like twirling, like laughing like a little girl, like singing. And that's exactly what I did.

"The way you move is like a full on rain storm, and I'm a house of cards..." I continued to sing as I walked through the halls, not sure where I was going. I watched Bats and owls fly by threw the windows and smiled while I sang. I wasn't worried someone would hear me, not to sound like a snob, but I know I'm a good singer, great even. Nothing to worry about people hearing me.

"...I really wish you would, drop everything now. Meet me in the pouring rain, kiss me on the side walk, take away the pain, cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile..." I sang. My voice echoed off the halls. 'I don't think I've ever felt this good. This happy. What a change.' My voice stopped along with my legs and happiness as I looked infront of me.

There was Fred, kissing Katie Bell, a girl on the Gryffindor Quittich team. I felt a tear fall down my cheek and I held my breath. 'Why is this effecting me? Why do I care? Stop crying! Stop it! Stop kissing her! Please Fred stop!!!'Fred didn't even notice me, his tongue was too far down Katie's throat.

A kind of anger seemed to devour me. The flames of anger, hurt, and confusion burned through my soul. It danced in my veins and drowned me in it's acid. The taste of blood filled my mouth from me biting my lip to keep myself from screaming, from cursing, from spitting venom. My fists formed balls at my sides, I dug my nails into my palm, itching to smack Fred straight across his face. And at the same time tears were threatening to fall down my now red cheeks.

'How could he do his? I know I refused him but after he said he likes me and everything he goes and kisses some girl? Who the hell does that? And who in their right mind would kiss someone that forced their best friend to kiss them only a day ago? Why do I even care?'

I growled and turned around and walked away. My thoughts drifted to thousands of things I could have said, could have done to prevent this from ever happening. 'I could have realized he liked me, I could have just let him kiss me, I could have realized before that I had some feelings for him. I could have-I could have-' anger surged through me and I punched a wooden door that was on my side. A large hole was created from where my fist hit and when right through the door. I looked in the hole and ran when I realized it was the door to professor MacGonags office, and she was in there! I ran down the hall and hid behind a statue of a knight.

I watched as she stomped by. After she disappeared a laugh came from me. Even though I was still pissed as hell, the event still seemed to lighten my mood. Making Trouble always lifted my spirits. I walked out from behind the statue and looked left and right. I turned to walk right and ran into someone.

"Watch where your going!" I growled. I looked to see who it was and anger and hurt surged through me.

"Sorry Jasper." Fred said. My anger decreased alittle as I starred into his eyes. "No let me apologize. I've been a down right, brat. I'm sorry. Kinda." I said looking him in the eyes. He looked at me, shocked and confused.

"Really? I shouldn't have kissed you, does this mean we are alright?" He said looking hopeful. 'Should I accept? Be his best friend again? No I can't. I have a plan to go through with.

"Sorry Fred, but I don't forgive and forget so easily. Now if you don't mind, I have to find Draco." I said adding in the part about Draco to just piss him off. Anger covered his face. His cheeks went red and I smirked. I started to walk off but he spun me around and kissed me. A shock ran through me body. This time all his anger, and worry and sorryness was in the kiss. I melted into him and kissed back. 'Had I known I liked him along along? Did I just not realize it?'

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands slid to my waist. The anger disappeared and the kiss became loving and gentle. I pulled his closer to me and deepened the kiss. I felt him pull me closer and we stood there kissing for who knows how long. 'Why doesn't it bother me that he was just kissing Katie? Why am I not mad at him anymore?'

I pulled away, and this time he let me. 'I can't do this. I can't.'

"I'm sorry Fred I just can't do this." I whispered. "But why? You like me. I know it. I felt it. We can do this." He said holding my hand. I shook my head and looked at his eyes. I ripped my hand put of his and looked at him apologieticly, but I know I never look sorry, that going of mischief and strength in my eyes prevented it. 'Can he tell I'm sorry?'

"No I can't. It's just an emotion. It'll never get me anywhere. It'll just distract me, Make me weak and vulnerable. It'll make it so it's in control not me. It'll just hold me back. I- i-" before the tear left my cheek Fred pulled me into a needy kiss. Once again I melted. All his hurt, want, and love was poured into the kiss. I quickly pulled out of his grasp and away from him.

"I said I can't." I shook my head backing away. "Jasper..." He whispered. "I said no." I snapped. Then something else went through my mind, "And what'll I do about..about..." Fred's face hardened and he walked towards me, causing me to back away.

"This is about him? Draco? That slug? What has he ever done for you?! What slightest bit of interest has he shown you? He's a filthy, vile, loathsome rat who shouldn't even exist! He's pathetic! He's-" Fred yelled. Something snapped in me. Some sort of true hate, and protectiveness broke out of it's high security cage. Only once before had I ever been this mad. And I'll tell you something, it didn't end well.

"Don't you say a damn thing bad about him! If you don't remeber, he got me away from you the other night, before you could do who knows what to me! Never in a million years did I think I'd hear a Gryffindor, a Weasley at that, speak so cruelty of someone! If you think that I can even stand being near you, you need to realize that Draco is my friend! And he's a damn better friend then you are! He doesn't just try to kiss me all the time! He tries to confert me, and he never argues against me! He actually gives a damn! What a fool I was, thinking maybe I could forgive you, maybe everything will go back like it was before, but the Fred I used to know would never say such things about someone! Expessially if they knew I cared about that person! Have you ever thought that maybe I'm not just messing with his head? That I'm not just trying to piss you off? Has it ever accured to you that I might like him? That I might have feelings for him? Have you ever thought that? Because let me tell you, I do like him, a hell of a lot more then I like you!" I yelled, venom was laced in my rantings as I starred Fred dead in the eye.

Freds face was red with anger, but I knew he couldn't say a word. He was probably searching his brain for something to say, something to throw at me, he knew saying anything else he said would just end up in even a bigger fight, yet he still seemed to be despising on what to yell about. But nothing at this point could hurt me, my anger was too strong, too...loathsome.

"Jasper I-" he started. Anger controlled my body and my fist flew to his face. Blood gushed out of his nose and his lip was bleeding. His face was full of pain, his eyes looked shocked and hurt, and his face said just how bad it really hurt. His hand flew up to his nose and his eyes scrunched. I couldn't help but smirk. I watched him l as his eyes looked to my left slightly and widened. I turned and saw Draco with his mouth slightly opened. He starred at me with confusion and a little relief. I gave him a slight smile and turned to Fred.

"Now if you don't mind, I'm leaving with Draco. Goodbye Fred. Tell your mom I feel bad that she has to live under the same roof as you." I said and walked to Draco.

"How much of that did you hear?" I asked grabbing his hand. "Enough of it." He smirked. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked giggling slightly as we walked to the Slythetin common room hand in hand.


Hey!!!!!! You like? It was kinda l short but I wanted to write so yeah! Hope you liked it, comment vote fan <3 ya




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