Chapter 10: Oliver

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Chapter 10: Oliver

Nikki's POV

I was walking down the halls trying to find the library, I heard it's huge! My light footsteps echoed off the walls. Most of the other students were outside because of the weather so I was alone in the halls which was completely fine with me.

"Hello miss Dumbledor where are you off to?" A painting said. I turned and saw a man in a tuxedo surrounded by what appears to be France. "The library. Have you seen my sister?" I asked him. "I saw her last night. She came out of Gryffindor with Draco Malfoy. She looked offly upset. Do you know what could have upset her?" Worry filled his face and I'm sure it filled mine too. Jasper never gets upset. It must have been a big deal. I should really find her.

"Thank you...wait you said she was with Malfoy?" 'What could she have been doing with him?'

"Yes, they got in an argument over something. Something about Fred Weasley kissing her...." He said. 'Fred kissed Jasper? I know he likes her and all but still' "Thank you. If you see her can you find a way to tell me? Or tell my Grandfather, I'm sure he could get a hold of me." I said smiling at him. "Of course." "Where's the Library?" "Not to far from here. You'll see it." I nodded and set off.

'Should I go find Jasper? Is she alright? If she was upset it must have been something big...and what's she doing with Malfoy? Why would Fred Kiss-' my thoughts were cut off when I slammed into someone.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention. I should've been-" "it's fine. I wasn't paying attention either." A voice said. I looked up and saw a boy with Brown hair and brown eyes.

" hello, I'm Oliver Wood. Aren't you Jasper's sister?" He smiled. "Ye-yeah, I'm Nikki...I'm really sorry." I stuttered.

"It's fine. Where are you off too?" He smiled again. 'Does he always smile like that?' "The Library. I can't seem to find it though." I blushed.

"Oh I just came from there. I can help you find it. Here I'll show you the way." He offered his arm and I hesitantly took it.

"So you know my sister?" I asked. "Yes, she came into the common room last night with the Weasley twins. Then..." He drifted off. "Can I ask you something?" He asked. "Of course." I nodded, really curious about what happened last night.

"What's Jasper's relationship with Malfoy?" He looked really confused, like he didn't understand. "Honestly I don't know. All I know is in Diagon Alley they spoke a bit. That's really all. Can you tell me what happened last night?" I was still astounded that Jasper didn't come to me after what ever happened, happened.

"Well, Jasper and the Twins came in, then somehow a party started. Then Fred kissed her. She kept trying to push away but he kept kissing her, the next thing everyone knew, Draco was in the Gryffindor common room yelling at Fred for kissing her. Jasper broke them apart, told Fred she didn't like him and her and Draco left. I was told that after that Draco and Jasper got in some fight. What about I don't know. It was...odd." He said. I absorbed all this information. 'Why didn't she come to me and talk about it? Why did Draco care if Fred kissed her? And most if all, Why did Fred kiss her?'

We stopped walking and I looked forward. Tons and tons of books lined the huge room. The book shelves went to the ceiling and were packed.

"It's amazing!" I smiled. I turned to Oliver and smiled at him. "Thank you for bringing me here. I know you were just in here, but care to join me?" I said my eyes begging him. "I'd love to." He smiled. I could already feel myself falling. I starred into his beautiful brown eyes and felt butterflies erupt in my stomach.

A piece of my hair went infront of my eyes and he quickly tucked it behind my ear. A smile formed on his lips and he grabbed my hand.

"Tell me about yourself." He said as we walked in between the book shelves. "Well, I love quittich-" "really? I'm the Gryffindor captain. I play keeper. What position do you play?" He asked excitement growing in his eyes.

"Chaser. I can't believe your a captain. I'm going for the RavenClaw team. Hopefully I'll make it. My sister is going for Slytherin Seeker so maybe I'll be able to play against both of you." I smiled and grabbed a book called, 'HogWarts: a History'.

I scanned threw the pages and decided I'd take it. "That'd be awesome. I'd look out if I were you though, the Gryffindor team is pretty good." He winked. I laughed and shook my head.

'I bet he's a good kisser...' I immediately pushed the thought away the thought and sat down at a near by table. 'I wonder if he'd ever go out with me?'

"Oliver?" I asked. He turned to me and I melted into his brown eyes. "Yes?" He said not looking away. "Never mind." I shook my head and looked down to my book. I felt his gentle fingers touch the bottom of my chin and move my head up. "Ask." He said looking me in the eyes. I blushed and shook my head. "It's stupid." I whispered.

"I seriously doubt anything that crossed your mind could be stupid." He whispered in a way that made my heart skip a beat.

"I was just wandering You'd like to hang out some time?" I said hesitantly. A big smile formed on his lips. "Are you asking me out?" He smirked. "Kinda..." I looked down blushing. "I'd love to. But I have to do something first." He said serious at the end.

"And what's that?" I asked. As soon as the words left my mouth he leaned over the table and pressed his lips to mine gently. I kissed him back and felt an electric shock. 'Am I really kissing him? I just met him like twenty minutes ago! But this feels so...right...' All the logic, and fact disappeared from my mind as I kissed him back. The rest of the world fuzzed away, all I could hear was our breathing, all I could smell was his cologne, all I could feel was his lips on mine.

I pulled away so I could breathe. A big smile was on my lips, and I could feel the heat on my cheeks. I looked at Oliver and he was in the same condition.

"I'm sorry I just-" he said blushing heavily. "Don't apologize for something that id been wanting to do as well." I smiled. We got off the chairs, checked out my book and headed outside.

Oliver's hand never let go of mine. 'Am I insane? I hardly know this guy! I kissed him! I'm holding his hand for goodness sakes!' My thoughts yelled at me. But I pushed them away and locked them up. I don't know what it was, but something about Oliver made me think that it didn't matter that I only just met him. It only matters, that I'm already falling for the boy. For once, I'm not going to use my head and think logically about this situation. Everything seemed perfect. But one thought kept zooming around in my head.

'Is Jasper okay?'


Hey! Sorry for the kind of short chappie, but it's getting late and I'm supposed to be asleep. What do you guys think of Oliver and Nikki? I know they move kinda fast but hey sometimes it just works that way! And I thought it'd work because Jasper is like confused with her 'love life' and doesn't know who to choose or how exactly she feels, and she's trying to hide it And then Nikki is like falling already so yeah!!!!!!! Anyway comment vote fan!!! Night night! Love youz!




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