Chapter 17: Snape's Favorite

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Chapter 17: Snape's favorite

Jasper's POV:

So potions was going well. Not. I kept looking at Draco. His silvery eyes met mine once or twice but that was all. At the same time I found myself looking at Fred. Him and George were whispering about something and continued to get yelled at by Snaper.

'Im so damn confused! Why does it have to be like this? Why can't what I want happen? Why can't I be with Draco? Why must he be such a blind idiot? Why do I even like Draco? What about Fred? Why do I like him too?Argh!'

My fist slammed on the desk and the whole room went silent. Snape's charcoal colored eyes met mine and he looked rightfully pissed.

"Miss Dumbledor, we were just talking about a ivnitasle potion. Do you know how to make it?" Snape asked clearly certain I didn't.

"Yeah." I replied lazily. "I seriously doubt that, stupid child." He sneered. I heard a few people hold their breath and a few seemed amused.

"I do know how to make it. And I am not stupid, I wish I could say the same for you." I hissed. Snape face turned slightly red and he glared at me.

"If you can make it, then make it. We were going to make it next week as a class but since your so smart, you can do it now in front of the class." He sneered. Excitement rushed through my veins, I always loved teaching.

"Oh good then someone can actually teach this class decently." I smirked. "Don't talk to me like that. Now go to the front and make it." He growled. The anger in his face and voice only encouraged me. 'He truly doesn't know me. Ha!'

I stood up and walked to the front. A Cauldren and all the ingredients were siting on a table. A potions book on how to do it also sat near by.

"Oh. And no help." Snape said as he took away the book. "Good, it'd only be a distraction." I smirked.

"Does he not know how she loves a challenge?" George whispered, but I could hear. "Oi, you think Snape's met his match?" Fred smiled.

I watched as one of their friends leaned over. "I bet she can't do it. It's her first year, she'd need a miracle." The boy laughed. "Want to place a bet? 10 galleons." Fred said they nodded and I watched as people placed bets with eachother.

I looked up and my eyes met Draco's who was sitting in the front not to far from me. 'Holy hell. Look away, the potion is more important then some blind idiot who doesn't seem to understand a damn thing I say.' I took a deep breath and started working.

I finished the potion in record time, with it being perfect. Snape seemed impressed as hell and said he wanted to talk to me after class.

"Your pretty good at potions huh?" Snape said emotionlessly. "I guess." I shrugged.

"Professor Lockhart said your good at dueling too, nonverbaly." Snape said in monotone. I resisted the urge to yawn at his voice. 'Does he know how to out someone to sleep or what?'

"Yeah, you should've seen the look on Pansy's face!" I giggled. He seemed slightly amused then returned back to his blank, boring self.

"Well, we have an advanced potions class. And defense against the dark arts. They are after your actual class of course. You'll have to talk to your grandfather of course, but if he says yes, your more then welcome to attend my class. Speak to Lockhart about DADA. Who's your next teacher?" He asked.

A rush of happiness hit me, I could get into advanced classes?!

"MacGonagal, why?" I asked scrunching my eyebrows together. "So I could send her a patronus." He said in a 'duh' way.

"That's unnecessary. If seriously needed I could send one myself...I think." I said grabbing my books, and getting ready to leave. "You can do a patronus?" His voice was disbelieving, and automaticly made my eyes gleam with challenge.

"Yes, I believe so." I smiled at my books. "Let me see." He raise an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest.

'Okay, how the hell do you do a patronus?....' I searched through my head then smirked. 'Happiest memory.'

I thought of last night, Fred chasing me and tickling me...I thought of the rest of the night, all of us laying by each other at the Quittich pitch.

"Verbal or nonverbal?" I asked Snape. "Conjuring a patronus is hard enough. There is no way YOU could do it nonverbaly." He scoffed.

"You wanna bet?" I said with my signature smirk on my face.

"20 galleons." He said with less emotion then a bar stool. (Yeah that boring.)

"Your on." I smirked. 'Expecto Patronum!' A silver mist erupted from my wand and danced in the air until it turned into a wolf. It

ran around the room, then ran over to me and sat by my side, looking up at me the was Bandit often did. It threw back it's head, an eerie howl escaped it's mouth and echoed around the room.

"Good Boy." I whispered to it and rubbed it's head, getting a lick in return, causing me to giggle.

"Well done. You sure have a way with dogs don't you?" Snape asked, pulling me away from concentration and making the wolf disappear.

"That was a wolf, not a dog." I corrected turning to Snape and glaring at him.

"I suppose. Now off to your next class." Snape droned and shoved me out the door.

The door slammed behind me and I opened the door and stomped right back in there.

"You owe me 20 galleons." I growled. He reached in his desk and pulled out a bag. He threw it at me and I caught it. I opened the bag to make sure it was the right amount.

'Theres at least 35 galleons in here!'

I smirked, knowing he meant to give me this much and looked at him. "Goodbye Snape. What time is the first advanced class?" I asked walking towards the door. "Tomorrow at 10-o-clock." He answered.

I nodded and shut the door behind me.

'I thought Snape was mean to all the students? Huh well aren't I special.' I looked into the bag and smiled.

'He gave me at least 15 more then we bet for! Damn, I am special.' I stuffed the bag of galleons in the pocket of my robe and started walking.

"Miss Dumbledor! What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be in class?" A familiar voice said. I turned and saw my Self-centered Defense against the Dark arts teacher, Lockhart.

"I was just coming from Potions. Snape wanted to talk to me after class." I said lazily. "Oh are you good in that class too?" He asked amusement in his eyes.

"Yup. And he lost a bet." I smirked. "What bet?" His eyes turned confused but seemed delighted Snape had actually done something.

"He bet I could conjure a patronus nonverbaly And I proved him wrong." I said a confident smirk on my face. "That's marvelous! I'll have to see some time. Now you better get to class."

"Or what?" I challenged. "I'll tell your grandfather." He said clearly thinking I'd be worried.

"Ooh I'm so scared." I laughed sarcastically. "Would you like detention?" He asked.

'Would you like a bat eyed boogy hex put on you?' I hissed in my head.

"With who?" I asked. "Me, helping with fan mail." He smiled as if that was everyone's dream come true, trust me, it's not.

"I'll get to class." I groaned. "Thanks Professor." I waved and hurried to Transfiguration.


Heyo!!!!!! Hope ya liked it!!! Comment vote fan!!! Love youz!!!




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