What's up, guys! So I was going to name this 'How to Make the Most of Your Summer' but it looked too long so I'll be talking about that topic in this chapter too.
In the movies, summer looks like the most eventful, high energy time of the year. But in reality, a lot of us have basically no plans for summer except for that one trip to wherever, but it mostly consists of grandmas house, Netflix, watching dumb YouTube videos, and trying to coordinate plans that never line up. Hopefully, after reading this, you'll sort of have a better idea of how to be productive and be goals AF during summer (ahaha I try)
First, I'm gonna give tips on how to have a productive summer, then I'll give ideas on what to do! :)
Make a summer goals checklist - What do you want to do that will make you go 'wow this summer was lit' at the end of it? Eat healthier, make a masterpiece? Setting goals will give you things to work towards in summer so that it's not just lazy bum day everyday (even tho we like to just lie down all day).
Do the things you never had time for - During school or work, there's really not much time to do what you want. Make all those diys that you thought looked cool, learn how to draw, travel to new places, hang out with friends! Whatever makes you happy, do it.
Make a daily schedule- This might sound like school all over again but if you are stuck at home all day, having a schedule to guide you throughout the day will help you not only get your eyes off your lil communication device, but it'll make you feel so much better at the end of the day. Make sure to include free time, exercise, and focus time.
Things to do:
- Bake stuff!
- Watch a scary movie with your besties/sibs! It's better than no company, but I'd never do this tbh, I'm a lil chicken 🐔.
- Play with your pet! If you have one, spending time with your pet is so beneficial. Scientifically, pets, especially dogs, can reduce stress. Also, during work or school, they stay at home all day just resting. Let them live a little and take them to the dog park or just enjoy their company at home. Trust, me they'll appreciate that.
- Build a fort! Strategically place chairs, pillows, and blankets and you get a majestic cabin heh
- Start a scrapbook/photo journal! If you do anything fun (like the stuff in this list, hint hint), making one of these is great to look back on.
- Try a new recipe! Proudly show it off to your parents later for bonus child points.
- Paint your nails!
- Sign up for camp! Camps are super fun and adventurous, especially overnight ones.I personally love church camps, since you get to be a leader to young kids and it's an overall amazing experience and feeling to be a part of that. If you don't have a religion, regular camps are awesome!
- Go to the pool! Most communities have pools open to the public. Pool parties are so fun!
- Have a singing session! Jam to your fave songs and practice those high notes or just expressively lip sync! (I'm crazed)
- Try new products! While school is going on, most people don't want to try new things in case they end up breaking out in random places, or with crispy burnt hay hair. So embrace the antisocial aspect of summer and try out everything while you can so you can find that golden item and be gloed up asap. (You're all angels already k)
- Go to the mall with friends :)
- Go hiking with friends & family! You don't even have to go to a real forest area. I don't know if you like hiking but it's so great to be in nature and get that extra exercise too. Grab water, bug spray, and just explore the beautiful earth.
- Go to the bookstore/library! Catch up on books you actually want to read.
- Try new food! I've heard avocado toast is bomb. Let me know!
- Go back to school shopping! I know, sorry to bring it up but they usually have great clothing sales around this time so go checkout your local mall. Thank me later ;) Warning: You don't have to buy everything that has a red tag on it.
- Start a YouTube channel! It could be super fun to do with friends or by yourself.
- Go volunteer! School counts on on you so have fun with it. Church camps are great for volunteer hours and also boost your connection of course! If you don't go to church, try the SPCA.
- Renovate clothes! Bleach shorts, crop shirts, embellish jackets, rip jeans, and do whatever you want to make your clothes look 'you'.
- Start a new exercise routine!
- Make Diys! Slime is my fave.
- Go to the beach! Self explanatory, I guess. Remember to wear sunscreen to protect yourself from the UV rays.
That's all I could come up with right now. I will definitely add more if I think of any! I hope you guys got an idea of what you want to do this summer. If you have any more ideas, let me know and I might add it to the list!
Thanks for reading, I love you and remember..
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Tips and DIYs for Girls
RandomBored? Try out a diy or recipe. Don't know what to wear tomorrow? Get some style inspo! This book is filled with so many makeup tips, personal advice, fashion tips, life hacks, entertainment, and so much more!. Basically a blog in a book. Enjoy! Wh...