May Favorites ♡

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2016 - Hey guys! I'm back with a 'YouTube inspired' chapter. I thought it would be fun to share everything I loved last month (and still do). 

- Apple Cider Vinegar- Okay, so I didn't want to drink this stuff because I'm certain it would not be very appetizing, but I did use it. Every night, I pour some apple cider vinegar on a cotton round and swipe it all over my face. I'll admit it does have a weird smell to it, but I've seen an gradual improvement in my skin and I really recommend trying it out. If the smell is too much for you, I also recommend witch hazel. Remember to use moisturizer afterwards though!

- Aloe Vera- A lot of you might already use this but aloe vera gel has been another great skincare must have for me recently. If a breakout or certain area of your skin gets inflamed or red, I like to dab some of this on to help calm the redness and soothe the area. My suggestion is to look for pure aloe vera gel because it usually works a lot better.

- Maracuja Oil- This oil has been working pretty well for me last month and this month. I get oily when I wake up and also throughout the day, but my face gets pretty dry after showering so I like to use this after that and it helps to make my face a lot less oily when I wake up in the morning. I'm pretty sure it works on all skin types and it's a natural oil so I totally recommend this!

- Silly Putty/Stress Balls- I know what you're thinking. No, this is not a joke, I actually love silly putty with a passion. Okay now that's a joke, but in all seriousness, silly putty is just somehow so therapeutic and relaxing to mold in your hands. It could also be a great temporary distraction for biting nails. ;)

- Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone-  I actually finished this book a while back, but I wanted to mention it because it is so good! I love the message it gives, and the storyline is pretty unique so yep, I enjoyed it a lot. It is mainly about a so-called 'popular' girl who hides the fact that she has a type of OCD, but that's all I'm gonna say because you need to read it yourself! 

- When We Were Young by Adele- I love Adele and her songs. And I absolutely love this song. If you listen to it too much it gets kinda depressing but for me personally, it's relatable and she just makes everything seem a good way?

- Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande- Sorry if you don't love her songs but this one is one of my favorite singles so far that she's made. I've had it stuck in my head for so many days now haha. Her new album is also so good! I love that she sort of established her own R&B/pop vibe to her songs and I have been listening to them a lot lately.

- YOU - Thank you guys SO much for reading! I've been getting a lot of support lately and I just wanted to say that is one of my May Favorites. I'm not the kind of person that has a ton of friends and stuff actually, believe it or not, so when you guys tell me that someone has helped you, that really makes my day. Thank you! Keep it up, I really hope that I can help some more people out there, boy or girl. Btw, there's not many, but if you're a boy, I'd totally do a chapter for you! 

I definitely have a lot more favorites but I hope you guys enjoyed getting to know some of the things I use and love. I'd be so happy if you try any of these out! Tell me how it works out for you and if you liked it. If you had a new favorite product, song, or book last month, let me know in the comments! 

As always, if you have any chapter suggestions, leave it down below and I'll try to get to it but in the meantime..




Xoxo, Leah 

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