Advice #1

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Hi guys! Here's my first 'Q & A' style advice chapter!
(Also, comment what I should call my new advice column! Maybe something like #askme?)

Q: "Hi so I was wondering if high waisted shorts and crop tops go together because I have seen a few people wearing it but is it a go, or is it a no?" - Sparkly_Pink_Panda

A: It's a go! Crop tops and high waisted shorts can go together. I think they look really cute paired up, and I personally kind of like how it shows less stomach since I and many other people out there aren't too fond of showing our stomachs. Some people may disagree but you know what, do what you want. If you like how it looks, definitely go for it!
(P.S. Im so sorry I published this like centuries after you asked the question. Forgive me if you will :))
Q: "Last year I was really close with my crush. I had a crush on him and he had a crush on me. We even hung out a lot over the summer. Then right before school started, one of his friends found out that I liked him and told him. Now we never even talk anymore. The same friend that told him I like him said that my crush doesn't like me anymore. I really miss when we used to hang out and talk. Do I tell him that or do I just get over it?" - RavenSparkle

A: I feel ya, girl. If I were you, I would contact him somehow and just have conversations. 'How have you been?' 'Do you like your classes?' 'Can we hang out over the weekend?' Anything! Become his best friend so that you won't have to have an awkward, distant longing to talk to him. Make it easy for him to trust you. It is easy to crush on the person you liked before so if he liked you for who you were, you have a better chance of a slightly romantic relationship. It really is up to you to decide how you want to handle it. Remember, be yourself and that's the person your crush should end up liking, but if he doesn't, find another fish in the sea. Good luck girlie.
Okay so I know I only answered two questions but that's all I got asked so if you liked this new advice thing, vote, comment, share, all that stuff, and I would love it if you pmed me questions! :)
Thank you for reading ~leah

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