Suggested by leelee2tan
- Clothes shrunk? Soak them in a mixture of hair conditioner and hot water for five minutes to unshrink them.
- Command+shift+3 takes a screenshot on Macbooks
- Starbucks offers a smaller size than tall: short. It's a healthier size
- Using a weird font to study for something can help you remember it better.
- Febreze kills ants on contact and doesn't leave your house smelling like poison
- Ask a pizza delivery place if you need directions to someplace.
- To make BLTs put two slices of bread in the same toaster slot so the outside will be toasty and the inside will be soft.
- The gel from an Advil pill will cure a pimple quickly.
- gives you a fake email address so you don't have to use your own personal email when signing up for things.
- Rub the inside of a banana peel on your teeth to help whiten them.
- Use for more reliable websites when searching something for school.
- If you accidentally close a tab, ctrl+alt+t reopens it
- Deodorant on an insect bite can stop the itch.
- If you're phone freezes plug it into a charger
- If you drop an earring turn off the lights and and look with a flashlight. They'll reflect the light
- To help clear a stuffy nose, press your tongue to the top of your mouth and press yoeu finger between eyebrows. Repeat for twenty seconds.
Thanks for reading! Sorry for the late updates! Feel free to leave suggestions.

Tips and DIYs for Girls
LosoweBored? Try out a diy or recipe. Don't know what to wear tomorrow? Get some style inspo! This book is filled with so many makeup tips, personal advice, fashion tips, life hacks, entertainment, and so much more!. Basically a blog in a book. Enjoy! Wh...