surprises aren't my thing

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Sleeping wasn't easy at all, I was too worried to get any sleep so I went outside to the balcony.

It was a pretty view of the city, with colourful lights and buildings, and beyond was the forest, a place so fresh and green, that it made me yearn for my freedom.

I hear footsteps behind me.
I sigh.'Jason, you should know better than to try to sneak up on me.'

The person behind me doesn't answer.

I turn around to see a boy, about my age aiming a gun at me. With his dark brown hair and eyes, he was definitely not Jason.

I gulp.' Uh..... can I help you?'
He scowls.

'Follow me outside, and if you make any sudden moves,you'll get a bullet through your head.' He says, but he cringed a little, as if he knows something that I don't.

I don't listen.'JASON, HELP!!'
I yell.

He wasn't kidding, he shoots and I duck just in time.

'Looks like I'll have to do it the hard way.' he says, as he lunges towards me and grabs my arms,holding them behind me.

I kick him hard in the stomach and he doubles over, as I twist free from his grasp and I'm just about to run from the house when Jason emerges from the shadows.

His usually startling grey eyes are dull, and his hair is all tousled.

He glares. Back to the old Jason.' You called?'

I point towards the balcony as the boy seems to have recovered and is stalking towards us.

' You let him in?' He asks, his eyes full of disbelief, but look a little playful too.

' Of course not! I was on the balcony and he literally came out of nowhere!'

' He's a dark guard' Jason says .
'Huh?' I ask,confusion written over my face.

'Dark guards are sent to those who try to escape banishment' he mutters.

The dark guard gets closer towards us.

'I don't care! Just get him out of here!' I scream at the top of my lungs.

Jason eyes the intruder and then he sprints towards him, and before my eyes can register what's happening,he smacks him hard across the head so that the dark guard doubles over and has him pinned to the floor.

'Don't you ever dare lay a hand on her, understand?' Jason sneers.

The dark guard whimpers and nods .
Jason let's him get up but still keeps a firm grip on his arm.

'what will we do with him?' I ask .

Jason takes a moment to answer.

'We'll banish him.'

I don't hear the cruelty of his words, all I want is the dark guard gone.

'But can't only special people do that?' I ask.

Jason smirks.'Let's just say I happen to be one of those special people'

The dark guard thrashes against his grip but Jason keeps a firm hold.

He walks over to the wall near the door and I notice a large metal square embedded In the wall.

Jason presses his finger tips to it and mutters some words,as the square in the wall slowly becomes mess of swirling colours, with blues and greens and purples.

I stumble back, away from the gateway from banishment. I swear to myself to never go there.

Then without warning,Jason throws in the guard, still screaming and thrashing, and then the portle closes.

Jason turns to face me and wipes the sweat from his brow.

'well at least that's taken care of .'

I don't say anything, as the picture of the portle takes up my mind.

It was just too pressuring and different to everything I've ever known.

So my mind stops whirring and I collapse on the floor, the sounds of Jason's cursing sounding far, far away.

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