l'm a rusty tin can man

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After resting for a little while, I manage to get up and walk, even though I'm still rusty. I should probably audition for the tin man.

I head outside to see Jason loading a large camping back pack.

When he sees me, he smirks.

'You've got a whole lot of jobs ahead of you, so start by -'

'Now wait just a minute ', I say, holding up my hands in a time out gesture.

'I just got up, I'm a rusty tin man, and you expect me to be helping you out, as if I'm a servant, so if you don't mind, I'll start small, thank you very much'

He raises an eyebrow. 'Well,there's a lot to do,so don't expect me to go easy on you, because we've barely got three hours left' he growls.

'Well, perhaps you should learn to be more considerate of others!' I snap back.

He glares. 'I told you the reason already, so maybe before talking, you should be more considerate too!'

I stumble back. 'Well that isn't an excuse!' I shoot back and pinch the bridge of my nose.

'Listen, fighting isn't going to help in any way, so just quit it'. I mumble.

He scrunches his nose.'Right'

'Right' I answer back.

'So, what should I do?' I ask.

He shrugs.'I'll gather everything we need, and you can place it in the back packs' he says.

He begins combing the fridge for food, while I wait beside the kitchen counter.

'Jason?' I ask.

'hmm.' He mumbles through the fridge.

'when I fainted, why didn't you heal me?' I ask.

He ducks out of the fridge with a pile of food in his arms.

'Well, a Prince doesn't do it that way, does he?' He asks.' Instead he saves a damsel in distress the good old fashioned way.'

I laugh. 'I guess so'.

He gives me bottles of water and an assortment of food ranging from canned foods to fresh fruits. I pack them in the backpacks, but I still wonder, Jason still hasn't given me the proper answer to his question.

Why didn't he heal me?

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