I hate you, you hate me

15 0 8

Jason finds me sitting up, glaring at the grass, and to my dismay, Ava follows in his trail.

Jason finds me sitting up, glaring at the grass, and to my dismay, Ava follows in his trail

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' Midnight I -'

' So that's her name?' interrupts Ava.

I growl. ' Yeah, any problems?'

She looks a little hurt and slowly backs away a bit.

' Midnight, listen, she's part of our group now, and you need to get along with her ' says Jason.

' Get along, GET ALONG ?' I spit. ' You're the one who who couldn't even remember my name, since you were too busy drooling over some other girl!'

Jason clenches his fists and I  know I might of gone a little too far, but I still don't back off. Ava watches, not daring to come closer.

' Look, just because I'm meant to look after you, doesn't mean you can take all my rights away from me! I just met a close friend, and I'm glad to see her again, so what's it to you?!'

I look down at the ground felling ashamed if myself, then dare to look back up at Jason.

His eyes look a little more sympathetic. He steps forward and puts an arm around me.

' Okay, maybe I was a little harsh, but midnight, I just want you to accept Ava, okay?'

I nod.

' Right then, I think we're a bit behind schedule, so let's set off again.'

Ava comes closer and offers her hand to me. I keep my anger at bay, and shake it, trying for a smile. She smiles back.

Jason keeps one arm around my shoulders and the other around Ava. It's weird to see him in such a happy mood.

And together we set off into the sunset.

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