Garbage-my new mate

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Boy, did I hate life.
I was now in a garbage dumpster, enjoying the company of garbage bags, while waiting for police to give up searching the area for me.

I hadn't arrived at sunset, instead I had run for my life.

I fish an old beaten cap out of a garbage bag next to me and put it on, securing my hair in it and lowering it over my eyes, trying to ignore it's stench.

That's when I heard footsteps. I peeked out from the cap and tried to calm down my pounding heart, it was a policeman.

He saw me and approached.

'And may I ask young lady, what are you doing here?'

I stood from my crouched position and was about to answer when I felt a hand on my shoulder from behind me.

'She's with me, kind sir' said a voice. I looked behind me to see a boy, about my age with black hair that was spiked up and fell into his eyes,that were a cold grey. I instantly despised him. Hey,don't blame me, I've always been a boy basher....even if he was about to save my life.

I shook his hand off my shoulder. I wanted to say something against him, but I guess it was the only cover for me from the policeman.

The policeman gave me a suspicious look, then at the boy, but shrugged and walked off.

Once he was out of hearing range, I turned around to face the boy.

'Who do you think you are, interfering in my business!'
I shout. I was trying to sound brave and not show the scared self inside of me. Something about him screamed 'danger',but at the same time he seemed familiar.

He shrugs.' You do realize I just saved you, or you'd be Midnight sushi so be a little more appreciative '

I gape at him. 'How do you know my name?'

'Well, your story's on the newspaper, the biggest hit yet' He replies, as he rolls his eyes.

I groan.'Listen, why don't we part ways here, I go on my run from banishment and you go chasing some one else'

'No can do, I'm afraid I have to protect you, even if it wasn't my choice'

I clench my fists.'Listen here mister, I am NOT going to be protected by some annoying brat, who I don't even know so let me make my message clear LEAVE ME ALONE!!' Okay,maybe I was taking my anger overboard but this guy was seriously ticking me off,with that poker face of his.

I shout with such force that he grimaces.

'Look I know you don't know me and you despise me, and you have all reason too, but I'm not keen on protecting you either but it's what I have to do, so like it or not I'm stuck with you , and if you realize ,there's no need to worry because I hate you too' he replies although I can detect the hate in his voice.

I shush myself and stare at my grubby shoes, not knowing what to say.

He scrunches his nose.'Follow me, and don't slow me down.'

I say silent goodbyes to the garbage bags and follow him, to who knows where.

I stare at the place. It's a small apartment with a room, that's decently decorated with a black and aqua theme.

'Is this where you live?' I ask.

He nods as I gape in awe.

'You've got a sense of style'
He rolls his eyes and heads towards the fridge.

'Isn't it funny that I'm in your house and I don't even know your name' I say him as I walk over and stand beside him.

He looks up at me abruptly and goes quite for while. His expression looks angry' I'm Jason' is all he says and turns back to the fridge.

I nod and sit at the table, yearning  for a meal.

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