I'm Not Stiles

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Mitch Rapp scowled angrily, gritting his teeth as his conversation with Irene Kennedy, his boss crossed his mind

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Mitch Rapp scowled angrily, gritting his teeth as his conversation with Irene Kennedy, his boss crossed his mind. He rarely listened to anyone, only the very few he respected. Fortunately for her but unfortunately for him Kennedy was one of the few. He knew he would not had listened to anyone else other than her, so it really made him furious that she had convinced him to go back.

A break, she had said.

He needed it, she had said.

It would help, she had said.

And like a fool, after a couple of months wearing him down he had agreed.

It was time to go home.

Beacon Hills.

Rapp stared at himself in the mirror. Did he really want to go back? Yes, he had to be honest with himself but it didn't mean he had to like it. A big part of him hadn't wanted to go back, scared of what his family, his pack would think of him now, he was a killer after all. He did take comfort in knowing how much he had changed, he also was comfortable with himself enough to know he wouldn't try and change for them.

Change back to the little kid they once knew him as, the defenceless human, he wasn't that defenceless any more. Everything was different. He was different. Hell he even had a different identity. He had changed his name as soon as he could, wanting to leave that life behind him. And he had until now...

Rapp was six foot, broad shoulders and he was in top fitness. His hair was shorter and not spiked up. He was twenty eight years old. He had run away from Beacon Hills and he went to college at eighteen but then he'd never come back. As far as his ex friends and family were concerned he had vanished into thin air.

He had been trained and honed into the perfect weapon. A human weapon. A human weapon to be set loose on threats against the US for the CIA but as far as everyone close to the president was concerned he didn't exist. Why would he? The government couldn't be caught getting their hands dirty to protect their country or there would be an uproar, so Mitch was left to do the dirty work for them. No one but higher ups in the CIA knew much about him really. All his records as Stiles Stilinski had been burnt, deleted and moved, if anyone of importance saw him in person and tried to background check him, no one would be able connect him to the smaller hyperactive boy he'd been all those years ago.

No one apart from the president of the records and higher ups at the CIA would get any information on him but even then he had nothing official, so if a mission went wrong the CIA and the government could easily wipe their hands from him and claim he was not with him. Easy really but one of the big reasons he was so concerned about this. His boss had given him the green light to tell them about his job if he wished. He had to leave certain details out for obvious security reasons but he was so used to covering what he did for a living up, this would not be easy.

Rapp looked in the mirror, staring at his face. Knowing he did not look like the boy they knew, he was not him, not any more.

Stiles smiled.

He found that this didn't bother him. Not one bit.

(Edit) Hi, just started to edit this story, I'll be going through my chapters for spelling, grammar or sentence structure mistakes, I also might change dialogue or descriptions if I think of something better or makes more sense. I hope you all are having a good day or night!

(Edit) I found an app that helps me out with spelling and grammar so I'll be going through the chapters again. I also decided I'll go through comments after I finished editing this story, not during. 

It's My Job (Mitch Rapp/Teen Wolf Cross Over)Where stories live. Discover now