The Challenge/Editing

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The forest looked like it was night time as the shadows crawled along the ground and trees. Mitch didn't pay attention to them as he walked into the forest, carrying a bag with him instead of his usual holster. He didn't really want an argument with Scott about his guns, again. 

He knew Scott would find him, so he continued walking forward, alert, his eyes constantly scanning the area. He heard some footsteps walking towards him. The alpha wouldn't move like that. 

Mitch waited for them to approach. 

Soon Scott came out of the shadows. It was just him, the pack wasn't with him. They're probably scanning the area. 

"Scott" Mitch said, greeting him. 

"Stiles" Scott said. 

He eyed his bag with apprehension. 

"Just some supplies, you didn't think I'd leave without anything to fight with, did you?" He said, giving Scott a obvious fake smile.

"I thought your fists were enough" Scott said bitterly, looking he was remembering how he knocked Jackson to the ground and their other training sessions. 

Mitch smiled broadly at that. 

But he forced himself to think seriously, he changed his posture as he replied "Against supernaturals that have their own mind. You're still think like ordinary humans. Humans can be very predictable. Werewolf with the crazy on the other hand?" Mitch shrugged. 

Scott shifted, feeling strange. 

Humans can be very predictable. 

He tried to tell himself Stiles dealt with ordinary humans  every day, he'd have to watch others and predict their movements, thats what the secret services did, right?

"Including you?" Scott said, trying to keep the suspicion from his voice.  

Mitch gave him a sharp smile but didn't reply. 

Scott started to walk, Mitch followed him. 

"We're going to check out the place where the victims were attacked, theres tape around it but there aren't any cops there at this moment" 

Mitch nodded. 

"Good" He said. 

Not that he blamed his father but cops could be very interfering sometimes, especially when they heard that their investigation wasn't theres any more. Their ego's could be a little to much but he supposed he'd been furious as well before if any of his missions where taken over by someone else. 

The amount of times he'd had to run before the cops caught him because technically what he did wasn't exactly legal but what the public didn't know wouldn't hurt them. 

If people like him didn't exist in the CIA, he'd knew this country would have gone to crap years ago. 

He wasn't bragging but stating facts, no one that he knew of had done a better job that he had in these past years. He wasn't sure if anyone could do his job better than him. 

It would be a interesting day when he found someone, who could. 

Mitch didn't delude himself into thinking there never would be someone like him. He'd get old and slower and eventually someone would take his place. Maybe better than him or like a lot of assassins he'd meet his end by the barrel of a gun, by his own government or others. Maybe whoever was pressing the trigger would be his match and superior to him in their skills. 

Mitch actually smiled thinking about it. 

He wasn't smiling at the thought of his own death. 

But the challenge it would bring. 

If he was fated to die in battle he'd go down fighting and what a hell of a fight it would be. 

A scream ripped through the air, snapping Mitch out of his thoughts. 

He didn't recognise it. Mitch glanced at Scott, who was alarmed but there was no recognition in his eyes. 

Then two different thunderous growls soon sounded after. 

The growls were familiar to Mitch but he couldn't place them. 

Scott however did as his eyes flashed red as he shouted out, hoping they could hear him "Malia, Anna!" 

Mitch's eyes widened at who they belonged to. 

They looked at each other. 

Mitch's hand went to his bag. 

His lips curled upwards. 

"Lets go!" Mitch said.

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