Scissors Closer To The String

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He turns towards the voice, relaxing as he sees who it is. 

"Anna" He said softly. 

He was sitting on a log, in the forest, near his home, thinking over everything that had gone on, what could have possibly happened for things to go so wrong?

She sat besides him. 

They sat in silence as if mourning his loss, Anna had a good idea what happened to him, it did worry her that Stiles had been such a good actor, Scott was completely fooled. 

Could he completely fool her like that?

Theo had died a couple of days ago, Stiles had found him in his apartment, shot. He'd phoned up Scott. 

"I didn't believe him at first but he sounded, devastated. He told me he'd found him like that" Scott said shakily. 

"Didn't the cops find it odd?" Anna wondered. 

He shook his head. 

"They tried to do a proper investigation but apparently tried to bring Stiles in for questioning but Stiles told me he still had some favours with certain high up people, which stopped them"

Anna nodded, she'd been afraid of that.

"But I just can't believe it, Theo's gone" Scott said, sounding a little in denial

Anna thought back to when she'd heard about it from Scott, she'd hung up and quickly called Stiles. 

"That was you wasn't it?" 

"It was" Mitch said, not even trying to lie about it. 

"How did you get Scott to believe you didn't do it?" Anna wondered. 

She almost could feel him smile on the end but she knew it probably wouldn't a friendly one. 

"Scott will believe anything as long as you appeal to his heroic sometimes idiotic nature. I was Stiles, crying and weeping over how I'd found Theo's body in my apartment" 

Mitch put on a higher pitch snivelling mocking voice

 "I think someones framed me Scott! Please believe me, say you believe me, please!  I think I might have also accidentally used phases from all the way back when he'd believed I was involved in a kid called Donovan's death and purposely killed him, though that one was actually an accident surprisingly enough and we had a huge argument about it" 

"Of course you did, why am I not surprised" 

Mitch chuckled on the other end. 

Anna said after some consideration but she was worried for him "But what if he does find out it was you?" 

Mitch muttered something under his breath but Anna caught it "Doesn't matter anyway"

But what he said next really did worry her, he sounded grim and bitter, she hoped it was directed at Scott...""Who knows, maybe I'll do something he'll never forgive me for next"

Something nagged at the back of her head after that conversation, like something wasn't quite right. What was that supposed to mean? But maybe it was just a jab at Scott right? Nothing more. She wanted to but she couldn't bring herself to ask... 

Even now thinking back to that sentence, sitting next to Scott, made Anna feel...uneasy. 

"I should say sorry to him" Scott said. 

Anna blinked, coming out of her own thoughts...


"Stiles... I mean I've been to hard on him, you're like my sister Anna, we've gotten on so well together but Stiles was like my brother, I want to be there for him again but he makes it so hard. I just don't get him. Not like I used to" 

"Maybe you need to stop trying to be there for him. He doesn't need you to lean on Scott, not anymore" Anna said gently. 

"But how am I meant to be friends again with him if I'm not there for him? What kind of friend is that? I just...his so different. His not the Stiles I know. His like a, like a..." Scott struggled to find the right word. 

"An assassin?" Anna said. 

Scott nodded quickly then standing up in frustration "How am I meant to be friendly to a Assassin, who goes  against everything I believe in? I want to understand him but I don't know how" 

Anna smiled as she said "Funnily enough, I think his having the same problem as you. I see how he treats you. He doesn't understand you, either" She said them more seriously "But his accepted you. I think, you owe him the same favour. He was pissed about you bringing up his past but that wasn't about what you believe in" 

Scott looked at her surprised. 

Anna said slowly and wisely "You don't need to understand him if you want things to ever become okay between you two again, you need to accept him. Understanding and accepting someone are two different things. Some people can understand each other, they can just think of it from a different point of view but when the opinion is to far away to grasp for you , all you really need is acceptance. Accept his an assassin, accept you can't change him, it won't end well for you if you try to" 

He stared at her for a bit then said softly "When did you get so wise?" 

Anna rolled her eyes at him but didn't stop herself from beaming.

Scott then frowned, sitting back down, staring at the ground. 

"I'm not sure, I can accept him though" 

"You'll figure it out, you either can and try and make it work, or you can't and don't" Anna told him. 

Scott smiled at her then he to her surprise pulled her in for a hug. 

"Thank you, for this, for everything" 

"No, thank you" Anna said softly, leaning into him. 

Her eyes started to water then for some reason, she didn't understand. 

Anna started to cry. 

"Hey, hey, its okay, why are you crying?" Scott soothed, shock and caring laced in his words. 

"I-I don't know" Anna sobbed into him. 

She didn't want to let him go for some reason. 

Something in her soul twisting, sending tears down her eyes. 

She...wasn't sure why she felt like this. 

But Anne could feel her heart beat so loudly in her ears. 

I'm still here, I'm still alive she assured herself. 

Unable to understand why something nagging in the back of her head, making her feel uneasy, was telling her otherwise.... 

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