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Kennedy sat in her desk, hands clasped together, looking at her top agent, assessing him.

He sat opposite her, quite content with everything, relaxed but alert. 

"How was it?" 

"They don't want me back, I won't for them but I'll visit my father more often"  Mitch said calmly. 

"You don't seem very upset about that" She said. 

Mitch replied in a cold detached voice "This is my job after all, if they can't handle it then thats their problem. 

He then added, glancing out the window "I felt like I always had to pretend with them, pretend I was someone they knew. I didn't really feel anything for them or really care about them but I felt like I had to pretend I did but they know who I am now, thats whats important" 

She nodded. 

"The reason you can't really feel for them is because you've been trained not to, their distractions from your work" 

"Thats why it was so hard...I literally had to force myself to show interest in them, sometimes I was happy for them, sometimes I was angry with them but unless they touched something personal to me" Like Mary "I found I didn't feel any deep connections with them, I didn't want to please them and I didn't care what they thought, like I thought I would"

"You had to fight against what had been ingrained and beaten into you over the years and training, to show interest in something that wasn't part of your job" Kennedy said, feeling slightly ashamed. 

Kennedy thought, looking at him. He really was well trained, it did seem that his training and his missions had really stripped that part of his life away from him. 

He would have been able to get it back before, even when he'd been with Mary if he wanted it but he was just to different now. 

Kennedy did wonder with some guilt if that was their fault. 

But no, they had to push him that hard. To make him into what he was today, an Assassin, her top asses, the CIA's best weapon against terrorism. 

Any part of him that was a distraction or could cause him hesitation or weakness while in the field had to be stripped away. 

But in doing so, she knew had left him with nothing to connect or feel close to, or even sympathise with where he'd been originally from. 

She remembered telling someone he'd been quite social before becoming one of them, now he wasn't. 

"What is it?" Mitch asked bluntly. 

He never could really understand what was going through her head sometimes. Kennedy was never very easy to read for the best of people.

"I'm sorry" She said. 

"For what?" 

"You would have been able to connect with them and sympathies with them again without our interference" 

"Without your interference people would have died and I don't blame you, or Hurley, I wanted it, remember? " Mitch told her, firmly. 

Kennedy thought back wistfully, remembering when she'd first met Mitch, he'd been the only new recruit that had clocked onto the fact she and her people had been watching him. 

"I remember" She said gently. 

Mitch smiled slowly at that. 

They sat their in silence for a while before Mitch asked "My briefing?" 

It's My Job (Mitch Rapp/Teen Wolf Cross Over)Where stories live. Discover now