Sour Wolf

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Derek nods to Anna who smiles at him back. Obviously Scott had introduced them. He probably helped her through the werewolf thing despite not, it seems being a part of the pack. If he was pack he would have been with everyone else.

This had been the first time he'd really seen Derek speechless so it was quite entertaining for Mitch, as he waited for Derek to get his thoughts together.

"You- I mean, how? What happened to you?" Derek finally stumbled out once he got his thoughts in order.

This was Stiles?

Mitch decided to handle this more directly as he said calmly "I joined the CIA after college and I grew up"

Derek's surprise flickered across his face before he gave him a studying look as he said grimly "You did, did you?"

"Yeah, I did"

Derek didn't reply right away, he was looking him up and down as if sizing him up.

His eyes lingered on his bag he was carrying.

Mitch guessed it was probably because he could smell the gun powder in it.

"When did you get here?" Derek finally said.

"About a week ago"

"You staying long?"

"Not sure"

Derek opened his mouth then closed it again, he looked unsure how to approach him.

It was strange to Mitch, seeing Derek act this way around him.

He said after a couple minutes of silence "CIA?"


Derek nodded slowly,  his voice sounding calm but there was an underlining of something not so friendly as he said "When I first recognised you I thought you'd become a hunter"

Mitch looked at him, surprised but then he thought it through and said putting his hands in his pockets with a shrug "I guess in a way I kinda am"

The basic confession wasn't something Derek expected. His body tensing up.

"A hunter of humans"

Mitch's mind flashed back to his argument with Scott and he couldn't stop his mind wandering back to why he'd been so angry from before. Theo's face slid into his head like a snake, it curled around his mind and wouldn't let go.

He grabbed hold of the rage and held if back as much as he could, from showing on the outside.

Mitch smiled but it was cold, he walked up to Derek as he spoke. His last words ending once he was face to face with Derek and almost sounded playful but they held no warmth.

"You could look at that way. I mean I guess I do hunt them...then I kill them. If they've been naughty"

The tension between them was thick in the air. Anna looked between the two men, not sure what to do.

Derek clenched and unclenched his jaw as he glared at Mitch.

"You left" He said.

"So did you"

"I didn't drop of the face of the earth and leave people's mourning me, thinking I was dead"

Mitch smiled nastily as he asked on taunting disbelief  "Did you mourn me?"

Derek growled lowly, his eyes flashing blue.

Not an ounce of fear was seen in Mitch's eyes but he did lean in a little and hissed "Careful or you might be next person going missing"

With that he turned back towards Anna, walking towards her and grabbed his bag, taking out his gun.

Derek's eyes narrowed.

Mitch rolled his eyes and sneered "Relax sour wolf, I just like to have it on me"

"I'm guessing you two aren't on good terms" Anna murmured to Mitch.

"No point in keeping your voice low. He can still hear you" He grunted, straightening up.

"I'd like to know that as well" Derek called out to them. Glaring at Mitch, though also wanting to know what had made him so hostile towards him.

"You've treated me like crap for years before you left. Always making me feel like I couldn't do anything. Scott was soon the golden boy in your eyes. I used to be just a waist of space. Which by the way you never apologised for. To top it of your presence seriously reminds me of someone else that didn't deserve to get away with they're lives. Oh and you also just now called me a hunter. Hunters who you mostly hate and made your life miserable. So I don't know Derek, why would I be suddenly treating you this?"

Derek scowled deeply, crossing his arms as he said "Sarcasm still there I see"

"Still a sour wolf I see"

Derek opened his mouth to argue but seemed to think better of it and cross his arms angrily.

Mitch gave him a winning obviously fake smile in response.

"Well this is interesting, what do we have here?"

Someone stepped out from the trees.

And Mitch recognised him as soon as he heard the voice.

His gun aimed at the shadow of the person. 

And he pulled the trigger.

I really thought that be it for today but I just came back from the cinema. I saw monster calls (I cried at the end) 😭 sad but good film and I just seriously needed to write this. Movies are great motivations and inspirations. 😄

Hope you enjoy this chapter! And  let me know what you think X

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