False Promise

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Mitch woke up slowly, the light streamed in from his curtains, he winced, not wanting to get up

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Mitch woke up slowly, the light streamed in from his curtains, he winced, not wanting to get up. His arm slowly crept to the other side of the bed, but...it was empty?

He frowned, confused. He heaved himself from his bed, taking note of the sink in the bed's mattress, someone had definitely been there last night. Mitch smiled, good, it hadn't been a dream.

He wasn't sure why he felt something ache in his chest, he hadn't expected her to stay. So why didn't he feel right with it?

Mitch checked his phone, wondering if Anna had left him a message, instead to his surprise he saw two from Scott a couple of minutes ago. Both texts were urging him to call.

What would Scott want with him?

Mitch laid on his back, while he phoned Scott. It took him a while to try to remember his number, but then he realized he could just use Scott's text, idiot, he thought to himself. Why hadn't he thought of it sooner?

Scott picked up the phone of the first ring.

"Stiles, is that you?" He asked.

There was an odd mix of urgency but also reluctance in his voice.

Not wanting to mess around, Mitch got to the point, "What is it?"

"I-" Scott paused as if saying this was difficult for him, "I need your help"

Mitch asked, to the point, "What do you want?"

Scott took a longer time to answer that. Too long in Mitch's opinion.

"Scott" He warned.

He seemed to sigh on the other end before finally saying, "We have a werewolf problem. An alpha, he got badly injured by hunters and lost control of himself. His out there attacking innocent people, we just need to restrain him and-"

"It's not the full moon?" Mitch asked, interrupting him, wondering why it lost control.

"Chris told me, his names Christopher Diggings, he was captured by hunters months ago and tortured, he escaped a week ago but what happened to him has been affecting his abilities, his mentally unstable right now. He found his way to Beacon Hills last night and attacked some people in the woods".

"The woods" Mitch muttered.

Why was it always the woods where the terrible shit went down?

"If his not right in the head and it is affecting his shift, doesn't that mean he has the potential to kill more people in the daytime?" He asked Scott, already moving from his bed and getting things in order, ready to leave.

"That's what we're worried about, we're going to the woods where his last been seen, now" Scott replied.

Then something else occurred to Mitch as he unlocked the safe where he'd been keeping his gun, he had one in his bedside table draw but that one was for emergencies and close combat. He needed something with more rage.

"Why tell me?" He asked as he examined his weapon, making sure nothing looked out of place.

Scott took a while to answer this as well, but then he finally said, "We tried going out looking for him last night. Hayden got badly injured trying to protect Liam. Anna wasn't there, but after I told her what happened, she-she said we could use your help".

"You don't agree" Mitch said, it was more of a statement than a question.

He hesitated though Scott said, but this time more firmly, "I agree you could be helpful but... I've seen how you fight now, just please, Stiles, don't bring anything deadly here. He doesn't know what his doing!"

Mitch put the gun down, pointed away from him, and he turned to the window as he said curtly "You just told me his attacking innocent people Scott"

His jaw clenched, he could tell he didn't like where this was going.

"Christopher hasn't killed anyone yet, we just need to-"

"He'll slip up soon enough, especially if he isn't in control. You want whoever he kills on your conscience?" Mitch demanded.

"Stiles, please. He doesn't know what his doing, like I didn't when I was new. All we need to do is capture him".

"Then what?! You opening a home for lost werewolves now? He'll be just taken to Eichen House, where all those other crazy supernaturals are kept". 


"He will kill innocent people. I'm sorry Scott, but his life isn't worth more than theirs, just because he doesn't know what his doing".

"That's not what I'm saying!"

"Then what are you saying?!"

He could hear Scott took a deep breath on the phone before saying, "Just, don't bring anything that will kill him with you, okay? He needs help, not to be killed for something he can't control".

Mitch glared outside the window, as if he could see Scott wherever he was, as he said with an underlining of anger and irritation in his voice "Any other innocent people he comes across, don't deserve to be killed by something they can't control either"

"Stiles, please, just don't, okay?!" Scott said, frustration leaking through.

Mitch heaved a deep sigh and muttered, "Fine, whatever you say"

He could practically feel Scott's surprise, then relief. "Okay, thank you"

"No problem" Mitch grunted, then cut the phone off before Scott could say anything else.

He picked up his gun that he had been planning to take, feeling its weight with his hands, after taking some time to mull it over.

Then Mitch packed it as well.

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