Pulling and Knotting String

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Anna stepped inside Mitch's apartment

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Anna stepped inside Mitch's apartment. She looked around, her eyes wide. Mitch noted the surprised look in her expression, despite her trying to hide it.

"Not what you were expecting, right?" He said amused.

Anna smiled, embarrassed as she stammered, "I didn't mean-"

Mitch waved it away.

"It's okay, you'd be right if I was living in my house, but as I'm trying to blend in here"

Mitch shrugged

"I'd try the more humble living, and it's not like I'm not used to it"

Anna said, sounding more teasing, "So your house isn't a mansion like in all the bond movies?"

He said sarcastically, "Oh, ha ha"

He thought of everything he had to go through to get where he was today, then comparing it in his mind to what was often portrayed in movies.

Mitch scoffed as he said, "All those movies are a pile of crap"

Anna crossed her arms and said, pretending to be serious, "I'll have you know that they're one of my most favorite movie series"

He chuckled at that.

Mitch walked over to his small fridge in the corner, looking rather sorry for itself.

"Drink?" He asked.

"I'm okay" Anna replied, giving him a small smile in thanks.

She hesitantly sat down on his sofa in his tiny living room. With only room for one small sofa and television set.

"So, is being a secret agent everything it's cooked up to be? Have you, like, saved the world before?" Anna asked.

Mitch smirked as he turned towards her and said, "That's classified"

She gaped at him, "You're joking?!"

He chuckled, walking towards her, "Yes, I'm joking"

Anna sighed, crossing her arms but not looking as serious as she tried to be, "That wasn't funny"

Mitch shrugged, though not hiding his amused smile, but not replying as he walked towards her and sat down next to her with his drink he'd got from the fridge.

"Mmm, what about America?" Anna asked, but again more teasing than anything else.

Mitch leaned closer to her.

"Now that" He said, "Really is actually classified"

Anna's eyes widened like saucepans at that reply.

Mitch grinned as he leaned back on his sofa.

He knew he wasn't meant to brag, but...

"So, you haven't known the pack long?" He wondered.

"Only a month" She replied.

"So...werewolves, what do you think?" He asked her.

Anna laughed as she said, "I thought they were all crazy"

She shrugged sheepishly as she said, "Turns out it was a full moon, like, almost the next day. I find you can accept a lot of things once you see hair growing everywhere, you suddenly have glowing eyes and want to kill everyone".

Mitch agreed and said with a smile, "Yeah, that tends to happen"

She laughed at that then asked, eager to find out more about Stiles, "So you left eight years ago?"

Mitch nodded.

"Why-if it's okay?" She said hurriedly.

"It's fine, I guess I just got sick of everything"

Mitch paused.

"I couldn't take dealing with the supernatural any longer. I..." He trailed off then said, his voice stronger, "I left after we'd dealt with something called the wild hunt. And it was a little..."

He struggled to find the word but finally found it, why hide?

"It was a little traumatic for me" He finally said.

"The wild hunt?" Anna wondered.

Mitch frowned, they really haven't told her much, had they?

"They took people and erased them from everyone from Beacon Hill's memories, I was the one taken. I had to watch as everyone forgot who I was before they took me" Mitch said slowly.

Anna paled quickly as she said horrified, "They all forgot you? Your friends? Your father?"

Mitch nodded, but then he saw how pale she looked.

They both knew what it was like to be forgotten.

"It was okay in the end, though," He quickly said.

Mitch said trying to lighten the mood up a little more but to quite a different tone as he said "You're worried about me?"

Instead of responding how he thought she would, Anna instead smiled back confidently but quite a different smile as she said leaning in "I'm not sure, maybe, but you look like you can take care of yourself"

Anna didn't try to hide the way her eyes traveled up and down his muscular body.

Her cheeks flushing.

Mitch grinned as he replied, "I don't know, I might need someone to look after me once in a while"

"Look after you how?" Anna challenged teasingly.

"I can think of a few different ways," He said, also leaning in.

They leaned towards each other.

Mitch knew he didn't need a relationship, didn't want one. And he knew what she didn't want one either, not the way she was acting, but she definitely had something else in mind.

And so did he.

And then-


Anna pulled away quickly, her dog, who she'd tied next to the front door, gave a muffled whine at the sound.

She put her phone to her ear.

Giving Mitch a glance as she said cheerily but did sound a little fake to Mitch's ears.

"Oh, hi Scott!"

Mitch cursed under his breath, leaning away and slouching on the coach.

Of course, it's Scott, he thought irritably.

Then felt ashamed at feeling so irritated with him.

It's not like he knew what they'd been up to, then called.

If this was going to work, Mitch told himself, he was going to have to give Scott and his pack a chance at least.

Maybe that would be one of the most difficultly things of all.

Letting his past back in.

It's My Job (Mitch Rapp/Teen Wolf Cross Over)Where stories live. Discover now